Home Courses List of Courses Offered at Kalac Crystal Polytechnic: 2024/2025

List of Courses Offered at Kalac Crystal Polytechnic: 2024/2025


The Accredited list of undergraduate, diploma and certificate courses offered at Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki and their Requirements for 2024/2025 has been released and published here.

All interested aspirants or candidates who want to apply for admission in the school can now proceed and check below for the list of courses offered in Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki and their Requirements.

The general public and all those interested in studying at Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki are hereby informed that the list of courses offered at the institution has been listed in the article and can be found below.

If you are looking for Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki then you are finally in the right place especially if you have been searching so hard for it. Today, one of our article which you are currently reading now contains the official list of all the courses offered at the Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki.

See Also:  List of Courses Offered at MAUTECH: 2024/2025

Further Readings: Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki amp; Tuition & Fees – 2024/2025


Below are the full details of all the undergraduate courses offered at the Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki.

  • Computer Science
  • Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
  • Hospitality Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical / Electronics Engineering
  • Accountancy
  • Business Administration

Further Readings:

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See Also:  List of Courses Offered at BASUG: 2024/2025


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