We are happy to present to you information on the Karatina University, KaRu full 2023/2024 intake admission letter and list. The management of the institution has released the names of successful applicants accepted and uploaded their admission letter for download.

Therefore all successful applicants can check their name below.
Applicants are advised to check their KUCCPS admission status through the link below
After confirming your KARU Admission Status, you can then proceed to Karatina University, KaRu Admission Portal: https://admissions.karu.ac.ke/KuccpsLogin to Download your Admission letter process. Steps:
- Goto the Karatina University, KaRu Admission Portal via: https://admissions.karu.ac.ke/KuccpsLogin
- Log in with your Application Details, i.e Your username and password or index number.
- Navigate to the Admission Letter section to download and print your KUCCPS admission letter.
NOTE: Admission Letters will be available for Download on institution’s Portal
Alternatively, for the 2023 KUCCPS admission status, visit
http://students.kuccps.net/ to download your admission letter process.
Update: Do you wish to Change the University or College you were Placed? CHECK HOW TO APPLY HERE.
We would like to notify that Karatina University is doing Online verification of documents before the 2024 admissions scheduled for August 2023. This has been a deliberate move by the University Mandatory to every student who secured a vacancy in this
institution.You are hereby advised to scan the following documents and submit them to
admissionsofficekaru@gmail.com with a fee of Ksh 1,000 charged by the verifying team, which must be paid via Paybill 247247 and account number; 7770181250513.
Required documents
- Copy of Scanned Admission letter duly filled.
- Scanned results $lip
- Scanned birth certificate and 1D if you possess one.
Note: The documents must be attached in that order
After submitting the scanned documents. Forward the payment message to 0748840716 for confirmation.An SMS Showing your admission number as indicated in the admission letter should follow
Congratulations to all the successful applicants that made it to the Karatina University, KaRu.
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Am ready to study bt due to some personal reasons I will not make