We are pleased to present to you the South West Gauteng TVET College SWGC Entry Requirements for the 2024–2025 session.
Right now, you are thinking of enrolling for the prestigious South West Gauteng TVET College and also wondering if you really have what it takes. You must have even played around the SWGC online application portal and even gone to the extent of attending the institution’s Open day. Well, the SWGC entry requirements is at your finger-tips because in this article, we are going to break down all the necessary admission requirements in details so you know where you fit in and which qualification matches your grade/result.
This article you are reading contains all the necessary SWGC admission requirements for prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students. Kindly ride along as we make your SOUTH WEST GAUTENG TVET COLLEGE and SWGC admission seamless and easy.
National Certificate (Vocational) [NC (V)] Level 2–4
- minimum requirement is a successful Grade 9, but even better is successful Grade 10, 11 and Grade 12.
- A year-end school report for Grade 9 or higher; or
- An NQF Level 1 qualification; or
- ABET Level 4
- A Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment to meet the basic requirement for access to NQF Level 2
Report 191/Nated N4-N6
Entrance Requirements:
- To register for N4, you need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or N3 or a Grade 12 certificate or equivalent and Level 4 NC (V)
Engineering Studies Report 191/Nated N1 – N6 – Campus Spread
Entrance Requirements:
- minimum requirement is a successful Grade 9, but even better is a successful Grade 10, 11 or Grade 12 with Mathematics and Physical Science
Click here to Check South African Study Visa Application Procedures and Requirements
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