This article contains information on Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce online and hard copy application forms for 2023/2024 admission as well as steps on how to Apply. It also contains the Evelyn Hone College Application form download link as well as its online application where necessary.
This article contains information on the Evelyn Hone College Application form and requirements for admission into Undergraduate Degree, Diploma programmes, and Postgraduate Programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS, and SPECIAL CASES.
There are two methods in which you can apply. The first one is an online application and the second one is downloading a form.
Evelyn Hone College offers courses at the diploma and certificate level. Prospective students should apply by filling the application forms before the deadline date as it is communicated by the Admissions office. Late applications are only accepted if the program space allows. These should be received no later than two weeks after the start of the appropriate semester; OR not later than a week after the beginning of a session.
Once you submit your form, you must pay the application fee for your form to be processed. Otherwise, it will not be processed.
Evelyn Hone College Application Forms
To get the application forms, you need to Visit the Evelyn Hone College admission portal with a valid email address, documents in pdf format and personal details
Click here to check the Evelyn Hone College minimum Admission requirements
Good morning. When can I apply for 2021 intake in health science course. Results: English – 3; Maths – 2; Biology – 3; Science – 3; Civic education – 2; RE – 3; History – 6; Commerce – 8. I wish to pursue Physiotherapy, Pharmacy or Radiography course. Kindly inform me when you will start receiving applications. Thanks
Ibalso want to apply… Are the first ready for 2021 intake ?
I want to apply for business administration/business management Diploma
I want to apply for business administration/business management Diploma
I want to apply for diploma in radiography
Comment: I want to apply for Laboratory technology for 2021 intake
I want to apply to apply for nursing for 2021 intake
I would want to apply for diploma in radiography am from Botswana.
I want to apply for physiotherapy diploma
Hello I am Constance Mupeta I want to apply for pharmacy 2021 intake
Hello, when can I apply in the school of health and applied sciences?
I want to apply for nursing 2021 intake
Update me when u start selling 2020 July intake
I would like to apply for art in music
I want to apply for environmental health,update me when you start receiving application forms for 2021 intake.
Whatsup me boi through 0974921656
Good morning, i want to apply for laboratory technician..may you kindly update me when you will start receiving applications for 2021 intakes…through 0973422535 or 0966541497.
I want to apply For radiography 2021 intake…. When are the applications starting?
I want to apply for radiography at Evelynhone January intake 2021….. When are the applications starting?
I want to apply to study from here at evenly hone
I would like to apply for biomedical science is they still time for to to apply
Comment:I want to apply to your institute in pharmacy for august 2021 intake kindly inform me when the applications are ready
I want to apply for bio medical sciences for 2021 intake is there still time for me to apply
I Would like to apply for laboratory technician is there still time for me to apply
I want to apply for pharmacy for 2021 intake
My phone number: 0764005436
I want to apply for nursing January intake,how can I apply am in nakonde my number z 0979232229
May I knw If my application to study pharmacy had been accepted?contact through 0764725182,0973901515
Is there July intake 2021
I have 3 in english,5 in mathematics,5 in biology and 7 in science and 4 civic education can i study pharmacy at your fine institution??
I have 3 in english,5 in mathematics,5 in biology,7 in science and 4 civic education can i study pharmacy at your fine institution??
I want to apply for 2021 intake in Transport and Logistics what are the Requirements, what is the duration and how much are the fees?
Gud afternoon.. when is the 2021 intake enrollment.. I want to apply for environmental health.. Results: English-6 maths-2 biology-5 science-3 Civic education-6 accounts-3 commrce-5 geography-5
I have 4math,4bio,6sic,5eng and 3gt can I do pharmacy with this results and when will u start enllring
Hello when is 2021 intake enrollment? I want to apply for pharmacy I have English-1 Mathematics-2 Food and Nutrition-2 Geography-4 Science-2 Religious Education-3
I want to apply 2022 intake for pharmacy
I applied last week there is no response and the list for applicant admission is out is there any hope for some of us who are not yet attended to
I applied last week there is no response and the list for applicant admission is out is there any hope for some of us who are not yet attended to
Is the portal still open for online application
I want to apply for diploma in environment health or physiotherapy but I can’t access the application form.
what is the duration for secretarial Intensive shorthand speed?