This article contains information about everything you need to know about the need for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching and learning.
Over the years, there have been constant debates as to whether technology has done more harm or good to mankind. Many people see technology as a blessing, some choose to sit on the fence, while others see it as a curse, all because of the existence of artificial intelligence(AI).
At the mention of artificial intelligence the first thing that comes to mind is robots, but then AI is beyond robots. Artificial intelligence refers to the replication of human intelligence in machines in a way that they are programmed to think like humans and inturn mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
Artificial intelligence can either be weak or strong. Weak artificial intelligence involves a system designed to carry out one particular job. Examples of weak AI systems include video games, computer based admins that are always available to answer every question being asked.
Strong artificial intelligence systems on the other hand carry out the tasks considered to be human-like. These are more complex and complicated systems. They are programmed to handle situations in which they may be required to solve problems without having a person intervene. Example includes self driven cars,
The strong artificial intelligent systems are major reasons why a greater proportion of humans feel technology has caused more harm than good. This is because with the existence of AI’s, humans are now in strong competition with the system resulting in the displacement of jobs. In other words, artificial intelligence has rendered many people jobless.
Irrespective of this, AIs are continuously evolving to benefit many industries such as Medical, Finance, Agriculture and Education. Many researchers claim that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can increase the level of education. As much as it is impossible to replace the tutor, AI has a wide range of importance in terms of teaching and learning.
In this article, we will be considering the need for artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. The good thing is that when it comes to teaching and learning, two people are involved, students and teachers.
It is normal to think there is no need for AI in teaching and learning for obvious reasons such as:
1. High Costs of Creation
The use of AI in teaching and learning can be quite expensive in all ramifications.
When combining the cost of installation, maintenance, repair, daily updates as the hardware and software need to get updated with time to meet the latest requirements. Machines need repairing and maintenance which can be quite expensive. With all these, it’s seen that AI is expensive and only the very expensive schools can integrate it in their teaching and learning.
2. Lack of Personal Connections
The use of AI in teaching and learning may appear very interesting but still they should not be considered a substitute for personal interaction. The place of human tutor can not be overemphasized. Machines cannot develop a bond with humans which is an important factor in teaching and learning that builds trust in teaching work.
3. Unemployment
This is the major reason why many individuals constantly kick against AI. With AI, human involvement is becoming less which will cause a major problem in the level of employment. Making teaching more efficient could create less of a demand for educators.
4. Loss of information
When the inevitable occurs and an AI needs repairs, there is bound to be a maximum loss of information which can be detrimental to the teaching and learning process.
With a few of these deficiencies with AI in teaching and learning, the need for it can not be overlooked.
An Average human will work for 4-6 hours a day excluding the breaks. Humans are made in such a way that they get some time out to refresh themselves and get ready for a new day of work and they even have weekly off to stay intact with their work life and personal life. With this, teachers get to teach their students when the time is convenient for them without even considering if the time is convenient for the students.
But using AI for teaching and learning, they can work 24/7 without any breaks. This gives students the leverage to study at their convenience. Young people prefer doing their daily tasks using their smartphones or tablets. Thus, AI-based applications also provide an opportunity for students to study in their free time. Additionally, the students can get feedback from tutors in a real-time mode.
Artificial intelligence systems have been programmed in such a way that they can meet the different types of needs of students at any given time without the issue of repetition. AI-base adapts due to the students’ level of knowledge, interests, needs, etc. The system tends to help students with their weak sides. It offers learning materials based on their weaknesses.
This is unlike a normal teaching and learning environment where people are taught together without any special attention to individual student’s needs. In a case like this, when the number of students who understood what was being taught in class is greater than those who do not understand, the latter is bound to pretend to get along without asking questions. This may be as a result of not wanting to be seen as a dull student.
With the existence of artificial intelligence, the workload of teachers is minimized. These days, they don’t need to create a curriculum from scratch. With this, tutors will have ample time to search for necessary educational materials.
AI-based platforms do have virtual mentors who track the students’ progress. Gone are the days when we rely solely on human teachers to follow up on a students performance. AI does not only do this, it also gives a student an instant feedback.
AI has made life in the education industry so easy.
Educational platforms have a lot of teachers and this usually leaves people confused when it comes to choosing the right teacher to work with. AI-enabled educational platform offers appropriate tutors, depending on the teaching experience and soft skills. With this the student has an opportunity to communicate with specialists from other countries.
It is known that teachers have numerous tasks to handle at a go, which ranges from grading homework and tests, preparation of notes,etc.
With the use of AI , these works can easily be handled at a very fast pace, while at the same time offering recommendations for how to close the gaps in learning.. As AI steps in to automate admin tasks, it opens up more time for teachers to spend with each student. There is much potential for AI to create more efficient enrollment and admissions processes too.
Artificial Intelligence allows focusing on the individual needs of the student. Many large education platforms like Carnegie Learning invest in AI to provide more personalized courses. These days, it’s possible to create individual instructions, testing, and feedback. As a result, learners work with the material they are ready for and fill the gaps in their knowledge.
As Artificial Intelligence becomes smarter, it might be possible to scan and analyze students’ facial expressions. If the material is too complicated, the platform can change the lesson depending on their needs. An online student can be able to choose the workload and duration to complete a given course based on their capacity. For instance, student A can decide to complete a given course within one year while another student can decide to complete the same course in 2 years. With this, students have the opportunity to work at their own pace with less pressure.
Many Individuals have what works for them when it comes to teaching and learning. There are people who learn better through videos, audios, etc. AI has also made different options accessible to all.
Using Artificial Intelligence solutions, students can study various courses and training programs without any hindrance. In doing this, it provides opportunities for students who speak different languages or have visual or hearing disorders to cope.
For instance, Presentation Translator is an AI-based solution that creates subtitles.
Also, the use of AI Speech Recognition enables students to hear and read in their native language.
Presentation Translator is also a free plug-in for PowerPoint that creates subtitles in real time for what the teacher is saying. This also opens up possibilities for students who might not be able to attend school due to illness or who require learning at a different level or on a particular subject that isn’t available in their own school.
Simply put, AI enables students to have universal access to all forms of education.
Even parents can attest to the importance and need for artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. To better understand this point, ask parents who have been faced with the challenge of helping their ward with assignments on various subjects especially on calculations and they will be glad about the existence of artificial intelligence.
AI systems and softwares have really been of great help to children who struggle at home with assignments and in preparation for examinations and tests.
If an AI is a teacher in a classroom, it has more capacity to store information. It can easily and effortlessly search, acquire, process and relate information with each student because of its unlimited accessibility to the internet and its ability to store large amounts of information.
Like visuals and audios, there are lots of scholars who learn easily through other means. Gamification can be used to motivate learners and can help improve retention while making the learning experience fun.
There are many Artificial Intelligence applications for education that are being developed including AI mentors for learners, further development of smart content and a lot more. Some of them include:
1. Third Space Learning
This system was created with the help of scholars from London University College. The system can recommend ways to improve teaching techniques. For instance, in a situation where a teacher speaks either too fast or slow, the systems send a notification.
2. Brainly
It is a social network that enhances students’ cooperation. For instance, learners can discuss issues in connection with their homework, they can also get new knowledge from other students. The company utilizes Machine Learning to provide a better user experience.
3. Carnegie Learning
This system tends to provide more customized education materials, making the learning process more comfortable and efficient. Carnegie Learning analyses the user’s keystroke and allows the tutor to see the students’ progress.
4. ThinkerMath
This AI-enabled solution helps little children learn Math. There are various games and rewards to achieve better engagement results. The app also offers a personalized learning plan depending on the child’s knowledge.
5. Smart Content
This is an AI technology that attempts to condense text books into useful tools for exam preparation such as true or false types of questions.
Artificial intelligence may have posed a threat to many Individuals considering the fact that it’s existence no longer guarantees job security as it has rendered a lot of people jobless. Apart from that, it has exposed many to being technology addicts and lots more. Regardless of some of these shortcomings, AI has been very helpful in many industries.
The potentials of artificial intelligence can not be overemphasized. Daily, the need for Artificial intelligence increases. In terms of teaching and learning, the rise in need for AI can not be ignored. Overtime, those who have been opportuned to utilize Artificial intelligence in teaching and learning can attest to the fact that it is a smart choice.
Artificial intelligence has helped many tutors to cope with the workload. It is known that teachers are saddled with many responsibilities but in recent times, artificial intelligence softwares has been able to assist teachers in carrying out certain tasks including grading of tests and assignments, answering same questions over and again with the challenges associated with monotonous activities.
Artificial intelligence can also make learning very accessible to all and sundry in the universe.
With the use of Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning, the gap between having the physically challenged in the same class or educational gathering with others can be bridged as there are applying to no and softwares that caters for Individuals with hearing and visual disorders respectively.
There are times a student may require an immediate solution or answer to a given task. In a situation where the teacher is not disposed to help out, Artificial Intelligence can be the last resort in such a situation. They are always available at any given time to help out. AI’s have been programmed in such a way that they are timely in responding.
Artificial Intelligence have been doing these and even more right from its inception. The Education industry is a very delicate one. There is a need for Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning.
There is certainly no way they can displace human Intelligence and efforts in this regard because there are areas they are lagging too.
Humans can not do it alone. The role of artificial intelligence in terms of teaching and learning can not be quantified. Their role is enormous in this regard and as such, there is a great need for Artificial intelligence in the aspect of teaching and learning.