Home Examination KCPE Timetable 2022 – Instructions and Guideline

KCPE Timetable 2022 – Instructions and Guideline


This article contains information on the Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) Examination Timetable – November/December 2022, school leavers are to take note. This examination timetable contains the time and venue of all the subjects to be written.

University of Embu, UoEm 1st Semester Examination Timetable - December 2019This is to notify all prospective higher institution students that the management of the Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC has published the examination timetable for November/December 2022. The drafted and approved KCPE exam timetable contains a scheduled list of subjects offered. More so, the examination timetable contains time and venue for all the papers that have been scheduled for the current academic session. The examination timetable hints at the KCPE exam schedule for all prospective candidates. See below, the KCPE exam schedule.

Update: Follow up on the Updated KCSE Timetable HERE


  • The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and NO EXTRA TIME IS TO BE ALLOWED. Time for reading through questions is part of the time shown on the question paper except where special paper instructions indicate otherwise. Supervisors and Invigilators should ensure that candidates are issued with personalized mark sheets that bear their correct names and index numbers.
See Also:  Gretsa University Examination Timetable - May 2021
2.2 DAY 1


MONDAY 28.11.2022

8.30 am − 10.30 am 1 Mathematics 2 hours
8.30 am − 10.30 am 2 Mathematics (Large Print) 2 hours
8.30 am – 11.00 am 3 Mathematics (Braille) 2 hours 30 minutes
11.00 am – 11.30 am BREAK 30 minutes
11.30 am − 1.10 pm 4 English Section A − Language 1 hour 40 minutes
11.30 am − 1.10 pm 5 English Section A − Language (Large Print) 1 hour 40 minutes
11.30 am − 1.30 pm 6 English Section A− Language (Hearing Impaired) 2 hours
11.30 am − 1.40 pm 7 English Section A – Language (Braille) 2 hours 10 minutes
1.40 pm – 2.30pm BREAK 50 minutes
2.30 pm − 3.10 pm 8 English Section B − Composition 40 minutes
2.30 pm − 3.10 pm 9 English Section B – Composition (Large Print) 40 minutes
2.30 pm – 3.20 pm 10 English Section B − Composition (Hearing Impaired) 50 minutes
2.30 pm – 3.20 pm 11 English Section B – Composition (Braille) 50 minutes
2.3 DAY 2


TUESDAY 29.11.2022

8.30 am – 10.10 am 12 Science 1 hour 40 minutes
8.30 am – 10.10 am 13 Science (Large Print) 1 hour 40 minutes
8.30 am – 10.40 am 14 Science Braille 2 hours 10 minutes
10.40 am – 11.10 am BREAK 30 minutes
11.10 am – 12.50 pm 15 Kiswahili Lugha 1 hour 40 minutes
11.10 am – 12.50 pm 16 Kiswahili Lugha (Large Print) 1 hour 40 minutes
11.10 am – 12.50 pm 17 Kenyan Sign Language – Section A 1 hour 40 minutes
11.10 am – 1.20 pm 18 Kiswahili Lugha (Braille) 2 hours 10 minutes
1.20 pm – 2.10 pm BREAK 50 minutes
2.10 pm – 2.50 pm 19 Kiswahili Insha 40 minutes
2.10 pm – 2.50 pm 20 Kiswahili Insha (Large Print) 40 minutes
2.10 pm – 2.50 pm 21 Kenyan Sign Language Section B Composition 40 minutes
2.10 pm – 3.00 pm 22 Kiswahili Insha (Braille) 50 minutes
2.4 DAY 3



8.30 am – 10.45 am 23 Social Studies and R.E 2 hours 15 minutes
8.30 am – 10.45 am 24 Social Studies and R.E (Large Print) 2 hours 15 minutes
8.30 am – 11.15 am 25 Social Studies and R.E (Braille) 2 hours 45 minutes


Supervisors and invigilators should call the attention of the candidates to the Instructions/Guidelines and adhere to them. They should also ensure that candidates are issued with personalized answer sheets that have their correct names and index numbers.


TEACHERS are advised to ensure that candidates clearly understand the instructions given below and are aware of the penalties for examination irregularities or misconduct. Candidates are required to follow these instructions carefully.


  • Avail yourself for searching outside the examination room and be seated at your desk/table 15 minutes before the time scheduled for the paper. Morning sessions will start at 8.30 a.m.
  • A candidate who arrives late will be required to give a satisfactory reason to the Supervisor. Only in exceptional circumstances will a paper be given to any candidate who is more than half an hour late. Punctuality should be observed for all papers.
  •  Ensure that your name and index number have been written and crossed correctly on the answer sheet.
  • Check to ensure that each page of your question paper is printed.


  • You are not allowed to leave the examination room before the end of the period allocated to the paper except with special permission from the Supervisor. NO CANDIDATE IS PERMITTED TO LEAVE MAY TAKE A QUESTION PAPER OR ANSWER


  • Do not leave a sheet of paper you have written on or your answers in such a position that another candidate can read them. You should not give or obtain unfair assistance, or attempt to do so, whether by copying or in any other way, and your work should not show proof of such unfair assistance.
  • No communication whatsoever in whatever manner between candidates or with outsiders is allowed during the examination.
  • You are not allowed to have in your possession or in your proximity while in the examination room, any book, notes, papers or any other materials whatsoever except the correct question papers and any materials expressly authorized by the Kenya National Examinations Council.
  • You must return immediately to the Supervisor any question paper that has smudges, has errors or is badly printed.
  • You must not take any used or unused paper out of the examination room. Any rough work must be done on the official question
  •  Any misconduct or causing of disturbance in or near the examination room will be treated as an examination irregularity.
  • Cell phones or any other electronic communication device are prohibited in examination centres. Any candidate caught in possession of a cell phone/any other electronic communication device will have his/her results cancelled.

Teachers are advised to ensure that the candidates read these instructions and guidelines carefully and adhere to them. Candidates should be made aware of the penalties for examination irregularities or misconduct.

For information and inquiries, you can contact the KNEC Examination by visiting the institution’s official website.
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