Home Fee Structure Technical University of Mombasa, TUM Fee Structure: 2023/2024

Technical University of Mombasa, TUM Fee Structure: 2023/2024

Authority of the Technical University of Mombasa, TUM has released the amount payable as school fees for Undergraduate programmes for the new academic session.

Technical University of Mombasa, TUM Fee Structure: 2023/2024


The following is the TUM Undergraduate programmes and their respective tuition fees:
STUDENTS UNION 700.00 700.00
MEDICAL LEVY 1,500.00 1,500.00
TUITION FEE 8,000.00 8,000.00
STUDENT ID 1,000.00*
EXAMINATION 4,000.00 4,000.00
REGISTRATION FEE 750.00 750.00
LIBRARY LEVY 1,000.00 1,000.00
I.C.T LEVY 2,500.00 2,500.00
ACTIVITY FEE 1,000.00 1,000.00
CUE LEVY 1,000.00*
TOTAL PAYABLE FEE 27,525.00 19,525.00
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2ndsemester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. * One-off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  4. ** Paid according to number of required attachment in the curriculum
  5. Practical/Labs/Workshop based programmes will be charged an extra fee of 6,000.00 annually.
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square).
  • Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch).
  • KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
  Student Benevolent   75.00   75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00 1,500.00
Library Levy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Activity Fee 1,000.00 1,000.00
Examinations Fee 4,000.00 4,000.00
Student Union 700.00 700.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Tuition Fee 27,390.00 27,390.00
Industrial Attachment 3,000.00**
Registration Fee 750.00 750.00
Caution Money 1,500.00*
ICT Levy 2,500.00 2,500.00
TOTAL PAYABLE FEE 44,415.00 38,915.00
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2ndsemester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. Mid entry students will pay mid-entry fee of 15,000.00.
  4. * One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  5. ** Paid according to number of required attachment in the curriculum
  6. Practical/Labs/Workshop based programmes will be charged an extra fee of 6,000.00 annually.
See Also:  Chuka University Postgraduate Fee Structure: 2023/2024
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square).
  • Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch).
  • KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
Student Benevolent 75.00 75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00 1,500.00
Activity Levy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Student Union 700.00 700.00
Library Levy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Examinations Fee 4,000.00 4,000.00
Tuition Fee 22,500.00 22,500.00
Industrial Attachment 3,000.00**
ICT Levy 2,500.00 2,500.00
Caution Money 1,500.00*
Registration Fee 750.00 750.00
TOTAL PAYABLE FEE 39,525.00 34,025.00
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2nd semester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. * One-off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  4. ** Paid according to number of required attachment in the curriculum
  5. Practical/Labs/Workshop based programmes will be charged an extra fee of 6,000.00 annually.
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square).
  • Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch).
  • KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
Student Benevolent 75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00
Activity Fee 1,000.00
Library Levy 1,000.00
Student Union 700.00
Examinations fee 4,000.00
Tuition fee 15,725.00
ICT Levy 2,500.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Caution Money 1,500.00*
Registration fee 750.00


  1. One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square). Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch). KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FEE STRUCTURE FOR HIGHER DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES
Student Benevolent 75.00 75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00 1,500.00
Library Levy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Activity Fee 1,000.00 1,000.00
Examinations Fee 6,000.00 6,000.00
Student Union 700.00 700.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Tuition Fee 29,500.00 29,500.00
Industrial Attachment 3,000.00**
ICT Levy 2,500.00 2,500.00
Registration Fee 750.00 750.00
Caution Money 1,500.00*
TOTAL PAYABLE FEE 48,525.00 43,025.00
See Also:  Tharaka University College Fee Structure: 2023/2024
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2nd semester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. * One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  4. ** Paid according to number of required attachment in the curriculum
  5. Practical/Labs/Workshop based programmes will be charged an extra fee of 6,000.00 annually
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches: Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square). Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch). KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs) SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FEE STRUCTURE FOR BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES/BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE SSP DEGREE PROGRAMME      
Item Fee Description Semester 1 (Kshs) Semester 2 (Kshs) Total (Kshs)
1 CAUTION MONEY (Payable once) 1,500.00* 1,500.00
2 STUDENTS UNION 700.00 700.00 1,400.00
3 MEDICAL LEVY 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00
4 TUITION FEE 84,000.00 84,000.00 168,000.00
5 PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT (Internal and Industrial) 3,000.00** 3,000.00** 6,000.00
6 STUDENT ID (Payable once) 1,000.00* 1,000.00
7 EXAMINATION 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00
8 REGISTRATION FEE 750.00 750.00 1,500.00
9 LIBRARY LEVY 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
10 I.C.T LEVY 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00
11 ACTIVITY FEE 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
12 STUDENT BENEVOLENT 75.00 75.00 150.00
13 CUE LEVY (Payable once) 1,000.00* 1,000.00
14 PROJECT FIELD WORK 17,500.00 17,500.00 35,000.00
TOTAL 120,525.00 117,025.00 237,550.00


  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2ndsemester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. Mid entry students will pay mid-entry fee of 15,000.00.
  4. * One-off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  5. ** Paid in Year 2, 3 and 4
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
  • Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square).
  • Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch).
  • KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
Student Benevolent 75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00
Activity Fee 1,000.00
Library Levy 1,000.00
Student Union 700.00
Examinations fee 4,000.00
Tuition fee 15,725.00
ICT Levy 2,500.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Caution Money 1,500.00*
Registration fee 750.00
  1. One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies Fee is payable through the following bank and branches:
    1. Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square).
    2. Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch).
    3. KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
See Also:  Technical University of Mombasa, TUM Cut Off Points: 2023/2024
Student Benevolent 75.00 75.00
Medical Levy 1,500.00 1,500.00
Library Levy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Activity Fee 1,000.00 1,000.00
Examinations Fee 6,000.00 6,000.00
Student Union 700.00 700.00
Student ID 1,000.00*
Tuition Fee 29,500.00 29,500.00
Industrial Attachment 3,000.00**
ICT Levy 2,500.00 2,500.00
Registration Fee 750.00 750.00
Caution Money 1,500.00*
TOTAL PAYABLE FEE 48,525.00 43,025.00
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2nd semester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. * One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  4. ** Paid according to number of required attachment in the curriculum
  5. Practical/Labs/Workshop based programmes will be charged an extra fee of 6,000.00 annually
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches: Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square). Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch). KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch).
Item Fee Description Semester 1 (Kshs) Semester 2 (Kshs) Total (Kshs)
1 CAUTION MONEY (Payable once) 1,500.00* 1,500.00
2 STUDENTS UNION 700.00 700.00 1,400.00
3 MEDICAL LEVY 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00
4 TUITION FEE 84,000.00 84,000.00 168,000.00
5 PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT (Internal and Industrial) 3,000.00** 3,000.00** 6,000.00
6 STUDENT ID (Payable once) 1,000.00* 1,000.00
7 EXAMINATION 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00
8 REGISTRATION FEE 750.00 750.00 1,500.00
9 LIBRARY LEVY 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
10 I.C.T LEVY 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00
11 ACTIVITY FEE 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
12 STUDENT BENEVOLENT 75.00 75.00 150.00
13 CUE LEVY (Payable once) 1,000.00* 1,000.00
14 PROJECT FIELD WORK 17,500.00 17,500.00 35,000.00
TOTAL 120,525.00 117,025.00 237,550.00
  1. Fees for other semesters same as 2ndsemester
  2. Fees may be reviewed according to prevailing circumstances
  3. Mid entry students will pay mid entry fee of 15,000.00.
  4. * One off Fee paid at the commencement of studies
  5. ** Paid in Year 2, 3 and 4
Fee is payable through the following bank and branches: Cooperative Bank of Kenya Acc. No 01129079001600 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). Standard Chartered Bank Acc. No. 0102092728000 (Treasury Square). Equity Bank Acc. No. 0460297818058 (Digo Rd Branch). National Bank Acc. No. 01038074211700 (TUM Branch). KCB Lamu Campus: Acc. No. 1118817192 (Mvita Branch). KCB (TUM) Fee Collection Acc No. 1169329578 (Mvita Branch). Barclays Bank Acc. No. 2034098894 (Nkrumah Rd Branch). N.B. The TUM fee structure is always under review every session upon collection of admission letter IF admitted.
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  1. hi would like to know if l can do Bcom(accounts,finance) or Ba(accounts) with the holder of diploma in front office operation and administration in the university- TUM Mombasa evening classes.

  2. Hi my brother would like to apply for logistics and transport management course September intake, is he late ?

  3. Hi can n I join the may intake and I wanted the fee structure for diploma in logistics and transport management.07484441220 through this number

  4. How can i get admission letters for Kccps placed students and what is the fee structure for kccps students this year 2019

  5. Hi! Kuccps placed me at KCNP but I would like to change and join TUM since I want to pursue diploma in Procurement and materials management having scored a C plain in last year but one KCSE exam.Kindly help

  6. I applied for diploma but under kuccps and have secured a place at tum is the fee structure for kuccps diploma programmes same as that for kuccps degree programmes?

  7. How can I get the fees structure for business administration in technical university of Mombasa and am admitted through Kuccps. am an undergraduate

    • Hi Joseph
      Upon collection of your admission letter, you will be given the fee structure for business administration

      • Hi I have a certificate in science laboratory technology,, can I get a chance of taking diploma of the same,, or any in the same field, like analytical chemistry

  8. Hi ,I have received my calling letter for bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering in TUM but it did not come with the fees required and I would also like to know about the payment and booking of hostels

  9. Hi my name is Ali .I want to apply for certificate in science laboratory technology with a d+ is it possible .if possible then I would like to know the total amount for the course, thanks.

  10. Hello am alex i’ve downloaded my admission but it doesn’t have the fess structure am called to do diploma in electrical and electronics engineering. where can i get the fee structure please

  11. Hello I’ve downloaded my admission letter but can’t find the fees structure I was placed via kuccps where can I get the fees structure

  12. Hello am afraid I cant access the fee structure of diploma in mass communication yet I already downloaded my admission letter . I was placed by kuucps ,,kindly assist

  13. Hi i am Okisai Samuel. i was called for Diploma in sales and Marketing September intake. please post me a link to download the fee structure. Thank you.

  14. Hi am Kariuki James I scored a Bplain I was admitted for a diploma course in QS well can I change this to architect for diploma or else maybe do a related degree instead?

  15. Kindly asking if I can apply * enroll
    for May intake …on bachelor in purchasing and supplies management after I acquired my diploma certificate in another university

  16. am a holder of Higher diploma in mechanical engineering knec, which year am i eligible to join BSc mechanical engineering. And does BSc mechanical engineering also available on school based program.

  17. I scored a mean of c+ with maths D+, D in chem and phic others i cored above c+ which techinical course can i fit for for this September intake

  18. Hello am rosemary moraa from kilifi ,his can I get fee structure for Human resource management”Degree”and the qualification plus duration please

  19. Hi,i need know about part time classes for diploma in medical laboratory science when to start and fee structure for 2020 intake please.thanks

  20. hae??? please I have I applied for diploma in hotel and institutional management so kindly I need to see the fee structure

  21. Hey, I am Kendi Saidi, I was requesting graphic design fees structure And how much it’ll be when a student stays in a hostel?

    • Hi Collins,

      Mid entry students will pay mid entry fee of Kshs. 15,000.00. While the total fee per session is Kshs. 113310.

  22. Hello ..Am Ogeto Mercy Kwamboka, and was requesting if I could get a fees structure for diploma in mass communication. I’d also love if you’d tell me how much one pays for the hostels ..and how is it paid …annually or monthly..or per semester.
    Thank you.

  23. Can’t tell the fees structure which applies to my case..I would like to pursue medical engineering degree programme at TUM since I have completed my diploma programme as a self sponsored student

  24. Bs degree Civil Engineering, How long I would entrol for Degree in Civil Engineering, I have two year working experience in the field, graduate Diploma in civil engineering, The Meru National Polytechnic, Credit . Then your fees have typing errors, expensive than super Universities .

  25. I have done a craft course in supply chain management and I want to advance for a diploma course in the same field kindly how long would it take me to complete my course in TUM

  26. Hi want to enroll a degree in mechanical engineering in technology hope the course has a part time lecture…and can one go to 2nd year when he has a diploma in mechanical engineering!

  27. Good morning TUM.
    My son have been trying to log in using his index No. as directed so as to get the admission letter but its not going through. Can you kindly assist us.
    Please use his details and mine as indicated herein below.
    Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

  28. Already done with diploma in civil engineering, can I pursue degree from second year on the same
    ……and fee structure kindly

  29. Hallo, I’m Jilan. I wanted to do bachelor of arts in development studies. I would like to know about the fee structure, semisters and if I can study online. Kindly

  30. Am Paul. Inquiring if you’ve a diploma in supplies chain management and you intend to further studies to a degree, how many years am I going to take. Am I going to be exempted some semesters.


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