We are happy to present to you the Catholic University of Zimbabwe, CUZ 17th Graduation List – November 2020. The Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the University Council, Management Board and Senate has released the names of successful graduands.
Therefore all successful graduands can check their names below or on the university website.
We are delighted to advise that the Catholic University of Zimbabwe, CUZ 2020 graduation ceremony will be held on the 27th of November 2020 at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe Hatfield, Harare Campus. The Catholic University of Zimbabwe wishes to advise its 2020 graduating class that the Graduation Ceremony will be held under the pandemic management guidelines on the 27th of November 2020 at the Harare Campus, commencing at 9 am.
As a key management guideline is limitation of numbers in face-to-face interactions, ONLY those graduands receiving prizes on account of excellent performance in their studies will be invited to attend the live ceremony at the Harare Campus. All such graduands are required to attend in their full graduation regalia, i.e., gown, cap and hood PLUS a face mask. Other specifications, including that there will be no graduand guests (except for disabled graduands who need assistance), will be mentioned in the letter of invitation.
The ceremony will be live-streamed on ZTN and the CUZ Facebook page in such a way that each graduand will be accorded his/her “moment” of recognition when names are announced by the Deans. Graduands attending the ceremony virtually are therefore encouraged to also attend in their graduation regalia as this too is real, and the celebration for your great achievement can begin soon after!
In order to limit the numbers of people on campus on that day as required for health management, all other students, visitors and staff without graduation duties will NOT be admitted to Campus on the day of the graduation.
Further information regarding preparations for the ceremony is detailed below:
Examination Results
The results of the examinations are available from the offices of the respective Deans of Faculties/Schools during working hours.
Graduating students will be required to clear with the accounts office before registering for graduation at the Lusaka campus, failure to which they will not be allowed to graduate.
List of Graduands
The list will be posted as soon as it is approved. Continuously keep on confirming with your Department if you have met the Graduation requirements.
Any potential graduand whose name is not on the list is expected to visit his/her School immediately.
Verification Of Academic Records And Order Of Names
Graduands must ensure that all courses taken in their program of study have been graded and passed and that there are no missing courses or grades.
Collection of Certificates
- Certificates will be available for collection from 5- 14 October 2020 and after the graduation ceremony upon submission of proof of payment of graduation No certificates will be issued on the rehearsals day and the graduation day.
Outstanding Tuition Fees
- Graduands with outstanding tuition fees must clear the balances before paying graduation
Graduation Fees
The graduation administration base fee is USD 20. The fee covers the transcript, certificate and administration processes. All graduands are thus required to pay the graduation fee.
Certificates will be available for collection from the 1st of December 2020.
Items not to be Bought
- Please note that the following items will not be allowed into the graduation venue: lipstick and perfume containers,sharp objects, knives, ballpoint pens and cameras.
Graduation Regalia
Graduation regalia for all graduands can be purchased from the Bursar’s office where old stock is available at USD 45.
For any clarifications and more updates please visit the University website.
Congratulations to all the successful graduands that made it out of Catholic University of Zimbabwe.