Home Academics IUIU Online Application Forms – 2024/2025 Admission

IUIU Online Application Forms – 2024/2025 Admission


This article contains information on Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU online and hard copy application forms for 2024/2025 admission as well as steps on how to Apply. It also contains the Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Application form download link as well as its online application where necessary.

Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Admission and Application Forms: 2019/2020 - How to Apply?

This article contains information on the Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Application form and requirements for admission into Undergraduate Degree, Diploma Programmes and Postgraduate degree programs for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS and SPECIAL CASES.


Application for admission into IUIU can either be done by post (i.e offline) or online.

  • Complete an official application form, which can be obtained from the Admissions Office, Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU upon payment of a non-refundable application fee.
  • No application is valid unless the appropriate application fee has been paid. Application forms can be downloaded from the university website. The downloaded application forms must be accompanied by a valid receipt or bank deposit slip marked (Application Fee), Certified copies of relevant previous academic awards eg. Result slips, transcripts, certificates, testimonials, copy of the birth certificate and copy of previous school identity card.
  1. Access the Portal (https://admissions.iuiu.ac.ug) and Select APPLY NOW. Ensure to read the policies and the guides
  2. Create New Account: The applicant account allows you to submit multiple forms using the same account if necessary
  3. Check for an auto generated ADMISSION No and PIN to Login. These are sent to your Email. The Admission No is in the format 5YY-00YYYY-XXXXX and the PIN is a 4 digit Code
  4. Login to view your dashboard and submit your admission form
  5. Click “Create | View Forms” to start your application process
  6. Click “Add | View Application Form” to Create a new form or edit an existing one. Only one form is permitted at a single time. However, in case of a rejected application a new form can be added.
  7. Enter BIO data in correct format and click “Save Bio Data”
  8. Enter and Save Index Numbers and years of sitting for O and A Level. Ugandan Applicants can automatically upload data by clicking Add Results Auto. In case of any problem simply click “Add Results Manually” to get a form to enter papers and scores one by one.
  9. Add Any other qualifications eg Certificates, Diploma etc
  10. Upload Documents. All Must be in PDF Format
  11. Select Programmes | Courses of choice, indicating the Choice option from First to Third
  12. Process Payments before Submission. Only paid forms will be accessible to Admin Users for processing. There are a number of payment options depending on country as follows:
      • All Ugandan Applicants shall be required to pay their Application Fees Via Mobile Money Using SchoolPay. SchoolPay is available on both Airtel Money and MTN Mobile Money as follows:
        • Option1: Airtel Money: Simply DIAL *185*6*2*1 Then Enter your Applicant No eg 519-002019-00001 and follow the prompts. The Amount MUST be 50,000. Otherwise, your form shall not be processed.
        • Option 2: MTN Mobile Money: Simply DIAL *165*4*3*2*1, Then Enter your Applicant No eg 519-002019-00001 and follow the prompts. The Amount MUST be 50,000. Otherwise, your form shall not be processed.
      • Option 1: Paypal – The Site allows for Paypal Processing. Simply Go to the Payments Link and Click the Paypal Icon as indicated. The amount is automatically indicated. Simply Approve and proceed.
      • Option 2 Bank Deposit – Deposit the Amount of USD 20 on the following bank Account: Attach Bankslip in the Document attachment area and. Please be advised that only confirmed payments will be credited to your online payments platform before you will be permitted to submit your form.
        • Ensure that your payment is reflected by clicking “My Payments” to view the recognized Payments.
        • Submit Form: Submission is subject to the following conditions:
        •  Fully filled application form including attachments and Agreeing with the terms and conditions
        • Full payment of the application fees

NB: After submission. Processing takes maximum 3 working days. An electronic Admission Letter shall be
sent to your email and uploaded to your online account.

Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU offers postgraduate courses at Masters and Diploma levels besides those offered at undergraduate levels. Prospective students should apply by filling the application forms before the deadline date as it is communicated by the Admissions office. Late applications are only accepted if the program space allows. These should be received not later than two weeks after the start of the appropriate semester; OR not later than a week after the beginning of a session. The admission procedure includes the Master’s Program applicants.

Once you submit your form, you must pay the application fee for your form to be processed. Otherwise, it will not be processed.

Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU Application Portal and Forms

To access the application forms, you need to first obtained from Academic Registrar’s office at P.O. Box 2555, Mbale-Uganda or download from the official website.

Application forms can only be submitted to the admission unit of the institution together with the non-refundable fee.

Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU online application can also be made by following the application steps as stated above.

Click here to check the Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU minimum Admission requirements

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  1. I want to apply for bachelor’s degree in economics and statistics, but am just kindly requesting when will the admission process begin or it’s now on the process

  2. I have just finished doing my certificate course which is CRM and the results came out I have passed, can I still apply for a diploma??


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