Home Admissions UON Admission Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

UON Admission Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)


This article contains list of University of Nairobi, UON admission frequently asked question for the 2022/2023 academic year.

UON Admission Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)


How do I Transfer from one Institution to the University of Nairobi?
  1. Identify a course in University of Nairobi.
  2. Check whether you qualify for the course you want to transfer to.
  3. Write a letter to the CEO KUCCPS , through the Vice-chancellor/Principal where you were admitted through the Vice-Chancellor University of Nairobi
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How do I do inter- Faculty Transfer?
  1. Check whether you qualify for the course you want to transfer to
  2. Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the two Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute i.e where you are leaving and where you are going.
  3. Pay transfer fees of KSh 1000/-.
How do I defer my studies?
  1. Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute requesting for deferment.
How do I get re-admitted back after deferment?
  1. Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute requesting for Re-admission.
Is it possible for secondary students to visit the Institution?
  1. Yes it is.  You write a formal request for the visit to the Academic Registrar.
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Do you re-issue Degree Certificates?
  1. At the moment the institution does not re-issue certificates but you can get a letter in lieu of certificate by producing a police abstract indicating it is lost
Do you certify academic credentials?
  1. Yes it is done at Central Examinations Centre at a fee of Ksh 200/- per leaf.
How do I get a Registration Number?
  1. You first pay the fees for first semester.
  2. Go to students’ portal and generate it by imputing the reference number then generate online.
How do I get my Admission Letter?
  1. Go to the students’ portal.
  2. Use your registration number as your user Name, then your password is your KCSE index number.
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How Do I get my Students ID?
  1. First pay school fees.
  2. Request for the Id Online through the students Portal.
  3.  Use your registration number as your user Name, and then your password is your KCSE index number to access your Students portal.
How do I Get a room at the University?
  1. First pay school fees.
  2. Use your registration number as your user Name, then your password is your KCSE index number
  3. Book for a room online.
As a Module II student, am I eligible for accommodation in your Campus?

You make your own arrangement for accommodation. The University does not cater for accommodation for Self-sponsored Students.

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