This article contains list of University of Nairobi, UON admission frequently asked question for the 2022/2023 academic year.
How do I Transfer from one Institution to the University of Nairobi?
- Identify a course in University of Nairobi.
- Check whether you qualify for the course you want to transfer to.
- Write a letter to the CEO KUCCPS , through the Vice-chancellor/Principal where you were admitted through the Vice-Chancellor University of Nairobi
How do I do inter- Faculty Transfer?
- Check whether you qualify for the course you want to transfer to
- Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the two Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute i.e where you are leaving and where you are going.
- Pay transfer fees of KSh 1000/-.
How do I defer my studies?
- Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute requesting for deferment.
How do I get re-admitted back after deferment?
- Write a letter to the Academic registrar, through the Dean/Director of the School/faculty/Institute requesting for Re-admission.
Is it possible for secondary students to visit the Institution?
- Yes it is. You write a formal request for the visit to the Academic Registrar.
Do you re-issue Degree Certificates?
- At the moment the institution does not re-issue certificates but you can get a letter in lieu of certificate by producing a police abstract indicating it is lost
Do you certify academic credentials?
- Yes it is done at Central Examinations Centre at a fee of Ksh 200/- per leaf.
How do I get a Registration Number?
- You first pay the fees for first semester.
- Go to students’ portal and generate it by imputing the reference number then generate online.
How do I get my Admission Letter?
- Go to the students’ portal.
- Use your registration number as your user Name, then your password is your KCSE index number.
How Do I get my Students ID?
- First pay school fees.
- Request for the Id Online through the students Portal.
- Use your registration number as your user Name, and then your password is your KCSE index number to access your Students portal.
How do I Get a room at the University?
- First pay school fees.
- Use your registration number as your user Name, then your password is your KCSE index number
- Book for a room online.
As a Module II student, am I eligible for accommodation in your Campus?
You make your own arrangement for accommodation. The University does not cater for accommodation for Self-sponsored Students.