This article contains information on the Lusaka Business and Technical College (LBTC) online Admission application Form for diploma and certificate programmes – 2024/2025 Intake and how to Apply.
It also contains the Lusaka Business and Technical College (LBTC) diploma and certificate Application form download link, its online application where necessary as well as the Lusaka Business and Technical College (LBTC) diploma and certificate Admission requirements.
It is announced for the information of prospective applicants and the public that the Lusaka Business and Technical College (LBTC) is offering diploma and certificate programmes for the 2023/2024 academic year leading to the award of certificate and diploma.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS, and SPECIAL CASES.
Entry Requirements:
Entry Requirements; 5 Credits including Mathematic, English plus other three subjects Secretarial & Office Management: 5 Passes in English plus other four subjects
Entry Requirements; DIPLOMA/TECHNICIAN: (5 Credits including Mathematic, English & Science plus other two subjects) 3years 3months/2years 8 months; CRAFT : (5 Passes in Mathematics, English & Science plus other two subjects 2years; TRADE-TEST : Grade 12 GCE or Grade 9/ 1year
Entry Requirements; CRAFT 5 Passes in Mathematics, English plus other three subjects/ 2years; TRADE-TEST : Grade 12 GCE or Grade 9/ 1year
Application Procedure
- To apply, click on Apply Now link and select apply online link and fill in the form. When you complete the form, print your bank deposit slip. If you can’t print copy all the details from the downloaded slip and at bank enter the same details. Click here to apply now .
You are advised to apply online as your application will be processed faster.
>>>Click Here to Check LBTC Tuition & Fees
Application Deadline
- Application deadlines are yet to be announced.