This article contains information on how to develop Classroom Management Plan.
It is one thing to be a smart teacher, it is another thing to know how to get students to listen and pay attention in class inorder to deliver the lesson of the day.
This reminds me of my Chemistry teacher back in Senior Secondary School days. For the purpose of this article, we will call him Mr A. He was very good at chemistry. Infact, asides Mathematics, Chemistry was one of my worse nightmares until Mr A began to handle the subject.
Like I was saying, he was so good at Chemistry but he had one weakness; he didn’t know how best to deliver the lesson because Mr A’s Chemistry class was always rowdy. Student’s would never pay attention once it’s Chemistry class except for the few of us who knew Chemistry wasn’t a subject to be taken with levity as a science student.
This went on until Mr A set strict rules for his Chemistry classes. One of them was, non attendance of his class for two weeks once caught talking unnecessarily or disturbing the class. An alternative to this was to receive 6 strokes of Mr PJ’s cane. Mr PJ was one of the feared teachers in the school for his expertise in delivering brain resetting strokes of cane on students who were respect-deficient. This was how Mr A’s Chemistry period became what we referred to as “Military zone”
Proper classroom management is what determines the behaviour of students in the classroom and whether or not a teachers effort in the classroom will be effective. To achieve effective classroom management, a plan is created.
What is a Classroom Management Plan?
According to Indeed [2], a classroom management plan is a set of rules designed to hold students accountable for their behaviors.
Maintaining order in a classroom allows a teacher to effectively present their lesson plans and help all students receive a beneficial education. If you’re a teacher who wants to oversee an organized classroom, it is very important to create a plan for how you want your classroom to operate.
Developing a classroom management plan involves creating a structured and supportive environment that promotes positive behavior, fosters learning, and maintains order.
Steps To Develop a Classroom Management Plan
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can development a classroom management plan:
1. Define your classroom expectations:
Establish clear and specific rules and expectations for behavior in your classroom. Make sure they are age-appropriate and aligned with the values of respect, responsibility, and cooperation. Involve your students in creating these expectations to encourage ownership and engagement.
2. Teach and model expected behaviors:
Take time to explicitly teach and demonstrate the behaviors you expect from your students. Use examples, role-playing, and discussions to help them understand what is appropriate in various situations. Reinforce positive behaviors and provide corrective feedback when needed.
3. Establish routines and procedures:
Develop consistent routines and procedures for daily activities such as entering the classroom, transitioning between lessons, taking attendance, and turning in assignments. Clearly communicate these routines to your students, demonstrate them, and provide ample practice until they become automatic.
4. Organize the physical environment:
Arrange your classroom in a way that promotes a positive learning environment. Ensure there is enough space for movement and collaboration. Clearly label and organize materials and resources to facilitate easy access. Consider creating designated areas for different activities, such as a reading corner or a group work area.
5. Build positive relationships:
Foster a positive teacher-student relationship by showing genuine care, interest, and respect for your students. Get to know students individually and make an effort to understand their strengths, interests, and challenges. Encourage open communication and active listening to create a supportive classroom community.
Recognize and address the social-emotional needs of your students. Create a safe and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable expressing their emotions and seeking support when needed. Incorporate activities and strategies to promote empathy, self-regulation, and conflict resolution skills.
6. Implement a system of rewards and consequences:
Establish a system of positive reinforcement to acknowledge and celebrate students’ achievements and positive behaviors. This can include verbal praise, certificates, or small rewards. Similarly, establish clear consequences for misbehavior or noncompliance. Ensure that consequences are fair, consistent, and appropriate.
7. Encourage student engagement and participation:
Provide opportunities for active engagement and participation in the learning process. Incorporate a variety of instructional strategies, such as hands-on activities, group work, discussions, and technology integration. Encourage student voice and choice, allowing them to have a say in their learning.
8. Maintain effective communication:
Establish clear channels of communication with students, parents, and colleagues. Regularly communicate with parents about classroom expectations, student progress, and any concerns. Provide timely and constructive feedback to students to help them understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
9. Reflect and adjust:
Regularly reflect on your classroom management strategies and make adjustments as needed. Assess the effectiveness of your plan and seek feedback from students, colleagues, and parents. Stay flexible and be willing to adapt your approach to meet the changing needs of your students.
Remember that classroom management is an ongoing process that requires consistency, patience, and flexibility. By implementing a well-thought-out plan and continuously refining your strategies, you can create a positive and productive learning environment for your students.
Example[1] of Class Management Plan
Here’s a classroom management plan developed for Class A students of GYD :
1. Classroom Expectations:
Every Class A student must treat fellow classmates with kindness, and use appropriate language and tone. The same is expected of the teacher to students.
Complete assignments on time, bring necessary materials, and follow instructions.
Work collaboratively, share ideas, and contribute to a positive classroom environment.
2. Teaching and Modeling Expected Behaviors:
– Conduct regular class discussions and role-playing activities to demonstrate appropriate behavior in various situations.
– Use real-life examples and scenarios to help students understand and apply expected behaviors.
– Recognize and praise students who consistently exhibit positive behaviors.
3. Routines and Procedures:
Entering the Classroom:
Students line up quietly outside the door, enter calmly, and begin the morning routine independently.
Transitioning Between Lessons:
Students clean up materials, listen for instructions, and move quietly to the next activity.
Taking Attendance:
Students raise their hands or respond when their name is called during roll call.
4. Organizing the Physical Environment:
– Arrange desks in a manner that promotes easy movement and visibility.
– Designate specific areas for different activities, such as reading corners, group workspaces, and a class library.
– Clearly label and organize materials, supplies, and resources for easy access and clean-up.
5. Building Positive Relationships:
– Greet students individually as they enter the classroom and inquire about their well-being.
– Show genuine interest in students’ lives, hobbies, and achievements outside of the classroom.
– Provide opportunities for students to share their thoughts and ideas during class discussions.
6. Student Engagement and Participation:
– Incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, such as hands-on activities, group work, and technology integration.
– Encouraging active participation through class discussions, asking questions and seek clarification when needed.
– Providing opportunities for students to make choices and have a voice in their learning experiences.
7. Supporting Social-Emotional Needs:
– Organise regular class meetings to discuss feelings, resolve conflicts, and promote a sense of belonging.
– Teach and reinforce strategies for self-regulation, such as deep breathing exercises and mindfulness activities.
– Foster a culture of inclusivity and respect by celebrating diversity and addressing issues of bias or discrimination.
8. Effective Communication:
– Maintain open lines of communication with students, parents, and colleagues through regular newsletters, emails, or parent-teacher conferences.
– Provide timely feedback on student progress, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
– Reflect on the effectiveness of classroom management strategies and make adjustments as necessary.
– Seek feedback from students, parents, and colleagues to gain insights into the impact of your plan.
9. Rewards and Consequences:
Positive Reinforcement:
I believe do not believe the reward for good behaviour has to be in the form of gifts. Use verbal praise, class-wide recognition will be an effective measure for Class A students. Another way will be a weekly positive call to parents of students who are well behaved. The goal of this, is to involve parents in the life and growth of their children as well as to foster a healthy relationship between parents and teacher.
Follow a progressive discipline approach with warnings, and logical consequences for misbehavior. This doesn’t have to involve flogging a child.
Classroom management plan comes in different forms. In other words, there is no one size fit all method of developing a classroom management plan.
Bear in mind that what is contained in this article is just an example and one out if many ways to create a classroom management plan. Hence, you should tailor your classroom management plan to the specific needs and dynamics of your own classroom.
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