I know you are looking for the list of courses offered at University of Zambia (UNZA) for the 2024/2025 academic session, right? Yeah, I guessed right. That is why you are here. Well, you are not lost as you are currently in the right place. We have successfully compiled a list of all the courses that the University of Zambia has to offer for the upcoming academic session. The main purpose of this article is for you to be able to make informed decisions when choosing a course to study or enroll for.
University of Zambia (UNZA) is an excellent educational institution that offers an extraordinary array of courses for all sorts of students. From mathematics and engineering to creative writing and media, UNZA has something for everyone. It is the perfect place to explore interests and try out different fields of study without having to worry about a lack of opportunities or choices. With their diverse range of courses, UNZA encourages students to be brave and take their education in any direction they choose, knowing that they will have the support of talented professors and lecturers to help them succeed along the way. With all these said, lets delve right into the comprehensive list of courses offered at the University of Zambia.
School of Agriculture
- Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences (Plant Sciences)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences (Soil Sciences)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences (Animal Sciences)
- Bachelor of Food Science And Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
School Of Education
- Bachelor of Adult Education
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Education
- Bachelor of Arts with Education
- Bachelor of Arts with Education in Zambian Cultures and Ceremonies
- Bachelor of Arts with Library and information Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Records and Archives Management (Baram)
- Bachelor of Education (Educational Psychology)
- Bachelor of Education (Environmental Education)
- Bachelor of Education (Educational Administration and Management)
- Bachelor of Education (Educational Administration and Management): 3rd Year Entry
- Bachelor of Education (Literacy and Learning)
- Bachelor of Education (Sociology of Education)
- Bachelor of Education (Special Education): 1st Year Entry
- Bachelor of Education (Special Education): 3rd Year Entry
- Bachelor of Education (Social Sciences)
- Bachelor of Education-Secondary (Mathematics and Science)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary Education)
- Bachelor of information and Communication Technologies in Education
- Bachelor of Science with Education
- Bachelor of Education in Chinese Language Teaching [NEW]
- Diploma in Icts For in Service Teachers
- Diploma in Teaching (Social Sciences)
- Diploma in Teaching (Natural Sciences)
School of Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil And Environmental Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Graduate School of Business
- BSc in Accounting and Finance
- BSc in Business Management
School of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Phar-macy (Regular And Parallel)
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences – (Regular Only)
- Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) – (Regular Only)
- Bachelor of Science in Radiography (Diagnostic/Therapeutic) – (Regular Only)
- Bachelor of Science in Prosthetic and Orthotics
School of Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts – Non Quota, B.A.Nqs (Regular And Parallel)
- Bachelor of Media and Mass Communication, B.M.C (Regular Only)
- Bachelor of Social Work, B.Sw (Regular Only)
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Chinese
- Bachelor of Media and Journalism Studies, B.MJS
- Bachelor of Public Relations and Advertising
School of Medicine
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (Regular and Parallel)
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine for Clinical Officers
School of Mining
- Bachelor of Mineral Sciences in Geology
- Bachelor of Mineral Sciences in Mining Engineering
- Bachelor of Mineral Sciences in Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
School Natural Sciences
- Bachelor of Science – Non Quota (B.SC) NQS
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Wildlife Management
- Bachelor of Science in Entomology
- Bachelor of Science in Environment and Natural Resources Management
- Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Bachelor of Science in Mycology and Plant Pathology
- Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Parasitology
School of Nursing Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc Nursing)
- Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSc Midwifery)
- Bachelor of Science in Oncology Nursing (BSc Oncology Nursing)
School of Public Health
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health – (Regular Only)
School of Veterinary Medicine
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
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Can I be accepted in the school of mineral sciences and engineering with the following results maths 1 science 2 English 2 biology 3 civic education 1 art and design 5 and literature in English 8
I’m kindly asking is it possible to be accepted in school of health sciences with the following results:, English 2, Mathematics 2 Biology 4 , Chemistry 3, Additional mathematics 3, Physics 6 Civic Education 3, and Geography 3.. please I will appreciate for your quick response thank you
Hi Leonard,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get the full UNZA admission requirements, then compare it with what you got.
Hey can I be accepted in the school of nursing sciences,degree of science in midwifery with these results english-3,biology-6,mathematics-6,geography-6,Civic education-6,history-7,re-7
Hi Theresa,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get the full UNZA admission requirements, then compare it with what you got.
Does UNZA offer B.sc electrical engineering on distance or block mode?
When will be the enrollment for next year intake
Hi Rodrick,
Between April and August application forms for admission may be obtained in person or may be requested for in writing from the Academic Office, University of Zambia and University of Zambia offices situated at provincial centres. It is available a fee and can also be accessed online. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ for more info.
Hi can I be accepted in school of medicine ,I want do clinical Medicine …English 4 ,math3 , science5, biology8 ,Civic education3,commerece7 R:E4 ,accounts8
Hi Carol,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get the detailed admission requirements of all the courses offered in KYU and compare it with your result in order to know your stand as well as know which one you qualify for.
hai….i have a diploma in clinical medicine is it possible to do a degree in surgery….and does the unza offer a degree in surgery?
Can I do business administration with seven in English? Am kindly asking for the help, but other subjects I did well.
Hi Kalusa,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get full details of the UNZA admission requirements. Then compare it with what you got to check if you meet the subject/minimum requirements.
Good day am interested in doing Masters but am in Botswana how can I access your services through distance learning, regards
Hi Obitseng,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-distance-learning-admission-and-application-form-2020-2021/ to get full details on the distance learning online services as well as application process.
Can I do a masters in nutrition under school of public health if I have a degree in home economics.
Hi Musama,
Yes, you can.
You are not offering political science? I have not seen it. Or it is only offered under post graduate?
Hi Jessica,
Currently, UNZA doesn’t offer political science as an undergraduate course. It is only offered as a postgraduate course.
Hi, do you offer ICT in distance/ part-time? I have the experience already as the DATA Associate at a certain clinic.
Hi Henry,
UNZA does not offer any ICT courses under distance learning. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/zm/distance-learning-courses-offered-at-university-of-zambia-unza-2020-2021/ to check out the list of distance learning courses.
I widow Marie I live in France, I have a humanitarian project for Zambia please contact me on my whatsapp +33752215731
Can i be accepted in the school of Agricultural in Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition with the these Results Maths-6 English-5 Biology-7 Geography- 6 Science-6 Civic Education-6 and i have a diploma in IT IMIS that i did at NIPA Evening Class
Is a short course in Psychosocial Counselling and Social Care going to be offered this year?.
Can I do environmental health if I had seven in science
I widow Marie I live in France, I have a humanitarian project for Zambia please contact me on my whatsapp +33752215731
I have Bachelor of Education majoring in Biology.
Can I do MSc in Animal Anatomy? And when does an academic year commence?
Hi Juberry,
Yes, you can.
I have a certificate in entrepreneurship and innovation. Am I eligible to study diploma in accounting and finance under UNZA distance adult
How much are the fees for bachelor of nursing or midwifery per year
Hi my name is Emeldah can I be accepted in business management eng 5, CVC edu 6,re,6, com 6,biology 7 and acc 7
hello hope you good Do you offer any course in fisheries or related courses
I would like to study biomedical science I just need some information on the fees
Hello, am just trying to figure out how it takes for one to be accepted at unza. I applied this year and took my application form at the unza offices for the 2021 intake
I want to apply for January intake are application forms available now??? Kindly inform me and I want to buy online forms
Hi Mulilo,
Yes, you can go ahead. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-and-application-forms-2020-2021/ to check how to apply online.
Can I apply online . If yes. how?
Hi Benso,
Yes, UNZA application is still open. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-zambia-unza-admission-and-application-forms-2020-2021/ to check on how to apply.
Am a holder of Med, how can I get a scholarship for PhD ?
Hi Ezekiel,
You need to apply for admission into the school first.
does unza offer the bachelor of science in public health
Hi can I be accepted in clinical medicine at Unza with these results Eng 6, math 1, chem 4, Bio 2, Geo 4, Civic Ed 6, adma 6 and physics 8
Good morning.Am a 2nd year student studying a 3 year diploma direct entry Midwifery at Levy Mwanawasa Medical University.Completion should be December 2021.I would like to know if I can apply for a Bsc in Midwifery (long distance) and do you any scholarships/busaries?
Here are my GCE results- 1 Civic edu,1 Science,3 Maths,3 Biology and 6 English.
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
how much is clinical medicine at unza
Are you offering a degree in project management?if yes what are the qualifications?
Hi this is Reuben can be accepted in clinical machine or Environmental health with the following results, Science 3, English 4, civic 3, Bemba 3, Religious Education 3, biology 6, Food and Nutrition (H.E) 6, Mathematics waiting.
Do you offer innovation and entrepreneurship?
Do you have transport and logistics courses?
May I ask about admission requirements to study law for a Zimbabwean citizen. With O levels and 14 points at A level
Please send information on accommodation fees and visa requirements.
Thank you for your help.
hello have diploma in nursing from botswana,pass in englih and B grades in science and maths,can i apply for oncology
Can I be accepted in the school of Medicine with English 3, chemistry 2 , physics 2 , Mathematics 1 ,Biology 1 , Geography 1, civic education 2 and Additional Mathematics 2.
Can someone update me on the Bachelor of Clinical medicine for clinical officer,I really want to apply for this course but I don’t have enough information on this….
Hi, I thoroughly checked the list of programmes offered in the school of business and cannot seem to find the course economics and finance. If it does exist please inform me. Thank you.
Does unza offer diploma in geomatic engineering
How can I apply for 2022 electrical and electronic engineering
I want to apply for school of nursing ( bachelor of science in nursing) how do I do it
Hello,would i be accepted into the School of Humanities with the following results:
English-1, Mathematics-2,Science-7,Biology 4,Civic Education-2,Accounts-7,Commerce -6,Religious Education-5
Mathematics 3
Sir or madam can I be accepted at your institution while upgrading biology next year I have a 7,I want to do Environmental health
Can I be accepted to study environmental engineering I have 7 English,3 maths,2 science,3 biology,1 Civic education,1 religious education,1 history and 3 literature please.
Hello sir /madam
I’m a zimbabwean ..can I get accepted at your university I want to apply for mining engineering .I have the following results Maths B ,English A ,Physics B,Combined science B,Geography A,Biology B
Hi. Do u offer a combination of English language and Religious Education with education.
Does public health program require you to go through natural sciences first inorder to qualify n study ? Your reply will be highly appreciated…..Thank you
Can i be accepted I your university with 8-bio 6-geo 6-art 3-eng 7-civic and which course can be suggested
Is it possible that I can be accepted in school of medicine with the following results mat 3 eng 3 sci 4 bio 4 re 1 civic 2 geo 2 hm 2
I’m Baraka Sikazwe from Tanzania i’m need to join UNZA for bachelor degree in medicine and surgery I have got division two in A level how I can do to join?
Am confused…. So there is any 2023 entry into the school of law?
I want to find out if business administration is offered on distance basic.
I would like to find out if UNZA is still enrolling for 2023 January intake in healthcoures
good morning, i have a daughter with:
2 in English
3 in Civic Edu
2 in Mathematics
2 in Agric. Science
3 in Biology
3 in science.
Can she be accepted in the field of bachelor of Medicine OR Pharmacy?