I know you are looking for the list of courses offered at University of Lusaka (UNILUS) for the 2024/2025 academic session, right? Yeah, I guessed right. That is why you are here. Well, you are not lost as you are currently in the right place. We have successfully compiled a list of all the courses that the University of Lusaka has to offer for the upcoming academic session. The main purpose of this article is for you to be able to make informed decisions when choosing a course to study or enroll for.

University of Lusaka (UNILUS) is an excellent educational institution that offers an extraordinary array of courses for all sorts of students. From mathematics and engineering to creative writing and media, UNILUS has something for everyone. It is the perfect place to explore interests and try out different fields of study without having to worry about a lack of opportunities or choices. With their diverse range of courses, UNILUS encourages students to be brave and take their education in any direction they choose, knowing that they will have the support of talented professors and lecturers to help them succeed along the way. With all this said, lets delve right into the comprehensive list of courses offered at the University of Lusaka.
In conclusion, deciding to start your higher education journey at a university like UNILUS is a great way to invest in yourself. At the University of Lusaka, they offer a wide range of courses for students to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your interests and goals. As stated earlier, the courses they offer are divided into different faculties, such as the once listed above. They also offer online courses if you are far away in the form of distance learning. No matter what course you choose and how you intend to take them, studying at University of Lusaka is a great way to expand your knowledge and grow as a person. So why not get started today? They look forward to welcoming you to their community of learners.
Do you offer law programs on distance?
Hi Tembo,
Yes UNILUS does. All degree programmes from the various schools can be undertaken through distance learning.
do you offer Bachelor Degree Business Administration specialised in Human Resources Management (BBA:HRM)?
Do you offer degree in pharmacy and degree in biomedical engineering
Hi Abraham,
Currently, UNILUS is yet to offer Pharmacy and Biomedical engineering courses.
Hi Do you offer Bachelor in mechanical engineering degree
What are the requirement for one to take bachelor in law and it’s for how many years
Hi Chiti,
The Minimum entry requirement is Five (5) ‘O’ level credits or better which must include English Language and Mathematics. The course of study of the Bachelor of Laws degree shall be completed in a period of Four (4) years for Full-Time, Part-Time and Long Distance Students.
Hi, am intrested in studying either human rights or international public relations does your school offer any of the programmes .
Appart from math and English what other subjects do I need to study law
Hi,I’m interested in masters In public health please send more details
Hi Simbuliani,
Firstly, Kindly check if you meet the admission requirements by visiting https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2019-2020/. If you are qualified, kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-and-application-form-2020-2021-how-to-apply/ to get the full details on how to apply i.e the application procedures.
What are Requirements for Bachelor of Business administration?
Hi Juliet,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2019-2020/ to get the minimum admission requirement for admission into Bachelor of Business administration.
What are the requirements for MBBS
Am interested send me more details
Do you offer distance learning in purchasing and supply management?
Hi Isaac,
Yes UNILUS do. All degree programs including Purchasing and supply management from the various schools can be undertaken through distance learning
Hi,I have a Bachelors degree in education do I qualify for a masters degree in Business Administration in education?
Hi Ganness,
Yes, you are qualified.
I have Bachelor degree in philosophy and education. Am I qualified to do masters in business administration in education?
Which of the campus offers Bs medicine and segury
Do you offer civil engineering?
Are you offering a degree in project management for 2020
do you offer diploma course in RN
Hi Charles,
Currently, UNILUS doesn’t offer any diploma course in Nursing.
Hello are you offering a Degree in Project Management?
Hi Francis,
UNILUS doesn’t offer any course in Project Mgt.
Are you offering bio medicine in bachelor of health sciences there?
Do you offer public health at distance
Hi Kasuba,
Yes, UNILUS offers Public Health on distance learning.
Do u offer buseries in clinicalm
Hello and good evening,
I would like to take up Corporate Risk Management. Do you offer such a course and how long is it and what are the fees?
Hi Makani,
Currently, UNILUS does not offer any course in Corporate Risk Management.
I would like to know if you offer a degree in hospital administration
Hi Nelly,
Currently, the university of Lusaka does not offer any course in hospital administration.
do you offer ACCA courses
Hi Elijah,
Yes, UNILUS do offer ACCA courses.
I would love to sturdy at the University of lusaka .
Do you offer dental assistant course
Hi Lisa,
Currently, UNILUS does not offer any Dental Assistant course.
very much interested in LLB school of Law
Hi Mukupa,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2019-2020/ to get the admission requirements and see if you qualify, then, visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-and-application-form-2020-2021-how-to-apply/ to get the application procedures for admission into UNILUS.
Do you offer bachelor in clinical medicine
Hi Mercy,
Yes, UNILUS offers Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery.
Do you offer a degree in nursing
good morning,
Kindly send me the costs for Degree course in Development studies
Hi Phiri,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ for UNILUS programmes fee guide
Hi Augustine,
Yes, UNILUS offers Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery. They also offer e-learning and distance courses.
+260966818284 WHATSAP
Hi Augustine,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ for UNILUS programmes fee guide
Do you have bachelor of science in purchasing and supply july intake ?
Hi Jemima,
Yes, please. It is June Intake.
Hi Joeme,
do you offer bachelor of clinical medicine on distance basis?
Hi Kenny,
All degree programmes from the various schools can be undertaken through distance learning.
Do you offer bachelor in Social Work for 2020/2021
Hi Antoinet,
Currently, UNILUS does not offer any course in Social Work.
Do you offer any exemptions in the degree in Accountancy program
Hi Barbara,
You would have to apply for exemptions by writing to the registrar and attaching a copy of your transcript.
What are the requirements for BHRM?
Hi Hope,
You have to meet the minimum admission requirement to be considered for admission. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get the full details of the UNILUS admission requirement.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education,do you offer a post graduate diploma course in Educational management if yes how long doesit take on distance basis
do you offer Bachelor of administration on distance? what exemptions can i get if i have an accounting qualification such as NATech?
Hi John,
Yes, UNILUS offers Bachelor of Business Administration on a distance basis. For purpose of exemption, you would have to apply for exemptions by writing to the registrar and attaching a copy of your transcript.
What are the requirements for public health
Hi Mercy,
You need to meet the UNILUS minimum admission requirement to be considered for admission. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2019-2020/ to get the minimum admission requirement.
Do you offer exemptions in bachelor in Accountancy for someone who has done ACCA and MBA? If you do, kindly advise on the number of subject that need to be taken
Hi Godfrey,
Yes UNILUS do, however they only give exemptions on course basis. You would have to apply for exemptions by writing to the registrar and attaching a copy of your transcript.
Hi……………………………….. UNILAS, Do you offer post graduate masters degree in Health economic and finance or masters in health economics only at part time or distance learning basis? if yes what are the requirement or qualifications?
Hi Misheck,
UNILUS offers Master of Science in Economics and Finance only. It can be offered on both full-time and distance basis. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/list-of-postgraduate-courses-offered-at-university-of-lusaka-unilus-2020-2021/ to get the full list of the graduate courses offered by UNILUS and https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ for their admission requirements.
Hi.i want to pursue a degree in English and Civic education.i am diploma holder and would to upgrade.do you have such combinations?(distance).and if you do please send for me schedule of fees,duration and commencement dates.
Hi Hawa,
UNILUS only offers Bachelor of Science in Civic Education and not combined. This course is also offered on a distance basis. It is set to commence by January 2020. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ to get UNILUS fees structure.
Do you offer any masters in construction law? Or do you have any construction law related?
Thank you
Hi Deogracious,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/list-of-postgraduate-courses-offered-at-university-of-lusaka-unilus-2020-2021/ to get the full list of all the Postgraduate related law courses offered by UNILUS.
Do you offer degree in mechanical engineering
Do you offer bursary in medicine and surgery?
Hi, iam a clinicia medicine Diploma student from a certain university going into second year.. I want to get a transfer to your school. How possible is it and wat are the requirements?
Hi Zulu,
You have to complete your diploma program, then you can apply for exemptions by writing to the registrar and attaching a copy of your transcript.
Hi Anthony
Do you offer degree in Clinical medicine and how much is your tuition fees.
MY name is James Gatloi Nyak I would like to know whether you offer Bachelor in Sustainable agriculture and rural development
Hie I’m Christian , do you offer degree in instrumentation and control systems
Hi Christian,
Currently, UNILUS does not offer a degree in instrumentation and control systems.
Hello. What are the requirements for one to do bachelor of arts in Development Studies? And do you do distance and for how long?
Hi Patricia,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-admission-requirements-2020-2021/ to get the UNILUS admission requirements. All programmes listed above are also offered on a distance basis.
Hi. Are you still open for the school of law January intake. Can I apply now?
Hi Ndhahu,
Yes, you can go ahead and apply.
hi there my name is Roy Chongo Simwinga who as done electronics craft at Northern Technical College love to advance in the same program i was doing if a scholarship would be offered other way i would still love to find out the price and proceed with the same program
Hi Roy,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ to get the UNILUS fee structure
Hi do you offer pharmacy?
Hi Veronica,
Currently, UNILUS does not offer any Pharmacy course.
When do you apply for 2020/2021 intake
Are the forms out already
Hi Imani,
Yes, the forms are out. Kindly visit to check the steps on how to apply.
Is enrollment still going on in the class of bachelor’s of science in purchasing and supply
Hi Emmanuel,
You can go ahead and apply.
I just finished my natural sciences asn A-levels at some other school can I proceed into the actual program of bachelor in public health and how much are the fees
Hi Mpanda,
Yes, you can. Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-online-application-forms-2020-2021-admission/ to check the steps on how to apply. visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ for UNILUS fee structure.
Can an individual be accepted while reseating for GCE with proof of payment for GCE thank indvance.
Hi Arthur,
Your result need to be out before the registration period because it is a prerequisite for entry.
Have you started enrolling for July intake? If so, what is the mode of application?
Does Unilus offer bachelor in Digital Media?
Do you offer bachelor’s degree in mass communication
Do you offer degree in project management
Good afternoon, does UNILUS Offer Exemptions for Masters Programs in the following Areas;
1. Masters in Human Resource Management
2. Masters in Commercial and Corporate Law
Also, when is it ideal to apply for 2020 December 2020, Enrolment.
That is for the stated programs above.
Are you able to assist with the Detailed Syallabuses for each Discipline.
What are the requirement for bachelor of politics and international relations
I would like to study bachelor in purchasing and supply at your institution
what are requirements
when is the closing date for registration for June,2020 intake
Is that diploma or degree? What are the intake?
Is it possible that you can share a brochure indicating which exemptions one with ZICA may be offered in Business Administration and Accounts & Finance.
Do you offer power electrical and technology sturdy?
Do you have purchase and supply in long distance
Do you offer engineering courses for undergraduate
Do you accept exemption ? I have a Diploma in marketing I want to upgrade
Am currently at open university in second year now I want to come at Unilus can I come under Bachelor’s of Business Administration with Education. At Zambia open was doing Business Administration school of Business studies and civic Education. At open was under Bed-secondary a degree.Do you exempt if I have a diploma in Business studies
Do you offer exemption in banking and finance for one who has diploma in banking and finance under ZIBFS and diploma in accountancy under zica
My email:reubenbwalya@ymail.com
Any agricultural related course there?
Hello . do you offer bachelor of medicine and surgery under distance learning. How is the program programme done especially for those who are working when it comes to attachments
W hi at are the requirement for public helth
Do u offer bachelor of nursing or any nursing courses in degree
Good Afternoon
I would like know if at you offer a DEGREE program in PEACE CONFLICT AND RESOLUTION .
Best kind best wish
Do you offer bachelor of transport and logistics on distance?
Does the university offer Bachelors of science in Logistics and Transport management on Distance? What are the entry requirements, Fees and duration of study? Am currently persuing Diploma and would like to covert to degree.
Good afternoon, i would like to know the fees for purchasing and supply diploma.
Hi Ruth,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ to check out the fees structure for Purchasing and Supply.
Good afternoon when does the next registration start? I am interested in the Bachelor of Science in Politics and International Relations.
Hi Jacquilyn,
UNILUS has only 2 intakes which are the January and June Intake. So the application is still open.
I would like to apply for law, will you please help me with the link for online application for 2021 January intake.
Hi Febby,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-online-application-forms-2020-2021-admission/ to check the steps on how to apply online.
Hi, what are the fees for the Human Resource Management study? and do u offer distance learning for it.
Hi Mwape,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-fees-structure-2020-2021/ to check the fees structure of HRM. Yes, it is offered as a distance learning course.
Hi. I am Lucia. I would like to do Bachelor in Accountancy. If I have done part of ACCA am I entitled to exemptions or do I start at a certain level? Also what is the duration?
Hi Lucia,
Yes UNILUS do give exmemptions, but you would have to apply for exemptions by writing to the registrar and attaching a copy of your transcript. If you are successful, you would start from year 2.
please assist me with the procedure for application as a distance learner in “degree in Accountancy”
Hi Cheelo,
Kindly visit https://www.eafinder.com/university-of-lusaka-unilus-online-application-forms-2020-2021-admission/ to check the UNILUS Application procedure for all programmes (Both full time or Distance)
Hi I live in Botswana studying Diploma in purchasing and supply…..I want to come start at unilus. ..I see you are offering Bachalor of science in purchasing and supply ……is there a way I can continue from dipolma there and what are the fees I will be expected to pay
Hi Keziah,
Currently, UNILUS doesnt offer a diploma course in purchasing and supply.
When is the next intake. mode of payment is ot per semester or term. Thank you. Your response will b appreciated.
Hi. I would like to find out if you offer media, journalism or mass communications studies under distance education. if you do not offer it, when are you likely to have it introduced?
Is the application period still open? Do you offer medicine programme for under graduates? if so for how long is the study period?
What are the qualifications for studying bachelors of science in economics and finance?
when is the closing dates for 2021 applications?
what are the entry requirements for Bachelor of science degree in business administration?
Secondly I’m a hold of National Accounting Technician program (NATech) from ZICA Can I get any exemptions?
Do you offer Geography or Geospatial Sciences related courses at undergraduate level
Hi i would like to do public health at your institute but I dont have biology i only have science and other subjects can i be accepted while iam rewriting biology?
Do you offer pharmacy or clinical medicine
hi do you offer bursary in bachelor of law
kindly share the course content as soon as possible for the Masters Degree in Economic and Finance
I see you offer a Bachelor of Law, what is the duration of the course and the cost please?
Do you offer Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education
What about environmental health is it there
Hello, does UNILUS offer Master of Science in Information Management Systems or rather Master of Science in Information Technology on distance basis?
Hello,Do you offer clinical imagining
Good afternoon, can I qualify for an MBA if I have full ZICA?
Is there an intake of July this 2021…and do you have degree in radiography
Do you offer a program in mass communication or media studies?
Hi. Do you offer ICT Courses at UNILUS?
How can i apply if am outside Lusaka
Hi does University of Lusaka offer biomedical Science
Do you offer degree in political science.
Do you offer scholarships at unilus
Does unilus provide MBA banking and finance on a distance basis? If so what are the fees?
Do u offer agricultural economic
Do you offer a BA in Information Technology with a bias in Cyber Security?
Hello, do you offer psychiatry and psychology course. If you do, in which faculty are they in?
Am interested in either bachelor of science in politics and international relations or public relations
Can read for PhD in environmental biochemistry at your institution
I need details on the developmental studies distance learning and fees. JUNE INTAKE
Send me the details to my email jetsmunaz@gmail.com
I want to study a business course at your university but l have 4 passed subjects, can l still apply??
goodmorning UNILUS.
May you please send me a a fee structure for Master course in project Management and advise how to apply
do you offer bachelor in developmental studies on distance learning
Does unilus offer logistics, fleet and transport management distance learning
I would like to do a short course in M & E. Does UNILUS offer that and how do I go about applying?
Hi morning
Am a diploma holder under human resources management now I want to pursue a degree under the same program how many years am I going to be exempted
Do you offer Public Masters Distance? If yes, how much?
Is there a course adviser that can speak to?
Have studied ZICA technician level but now i want to study bachelor of accountancy,Whats the procedure i want to enrol this year.
How is it possible to apply online. I request your help.
Do you offer economics and what subjects are needed to study economics
I want to apply at unilus in Human resources management
When is the deadline
Hi has pharmacy now been added to the list of courses available
Hi do you offer teaching methodology?? If you Do, how much is it and when next are you enrolling??
Does UNILUS offer Agricultural-Economics?
Do u offer digree in elecrical engneering
please let me know when i should apply for a degree in business administration under january intake for 2023
do you have engineering
When are you introducing phar-macy
Do you offer project management for july intake and what are the fees.
paul bwalya
1.does the university allow transfers from an outside university
2.How much is the fees for foreign students
Hi do you offer bachelor’s in civil engineering
Hello am an O level
completer I like have biology chemistry physics math English etc do I qualify to do medicine if so may I please get the requirements for your uni and how to apply
Do you have June intake in bachelor of science in medicine and surgery?
Hi do you have June/July intake for diploma in midwifery?
Hi my name is Carolyn
Do they offer Bachelor degree in Journalism?
Is there Bachelor of arts in communication studies
Do you offer software engineering
How do i get to check the course content for MBA General and MBA Human resource Management?