Home Student & Career Tips 7 Ways on How to Deal with Exam Stress

7 Ways on How to Deal with Exam Stress


This article contains information on the 7 ways on how to deal with examination stress. Exam stress is a common problem for students of all ages. It can be overwhelming and lead to poor performance on tests. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce your stress levels and help you cope with exams.

exam stress

One of the most important things to remember when dealing with exam stress is to take deep breaths and relax. Taking a few moments to focus on your breathing can help calm your mind and body so that you can focus on the task at hand. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are also essential for managing exam stress.

Setting realistic goals is another key factor in reducing exam stress. Break down large tasks into smaller chunks that are easier to manage, and don’t forget to reward yourself for completing each step along the way. It’s also important not to go it alone; talking to friends or family members about your worries can help put things into perspective and provide emotional support during this stressful time.

Finally, there are a number of relaxation techniques that can be used to reduce feelings of anxiety or panic when studying or writing exams. These include guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, and other forms of self-care such as yoga or journaling.

By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle any exam-related stress that comes your way. In essence, below are the 7 ways you can deal with exam stress as a student or pupil.


It’s exam season and that means stress levels are high. Whether you’re a student or a parent, it can be hard to know how to cope with the pressure. Here are some tips to help ease exam stress:

1. Remember to breathe – Taking deep breaths can help you relax and focus on the task at hand.

Breathing is one of the most important tools you have at your disposal when it comes to managing exam stress. Taking a few moments to focus on your breathing can be incredibly therapeutic and help relax your mind and body so that you can refocus and tackle the task at hand.

There are several techniques that can be used to aid in deep breathing, including diaphragmatic (or belly) breathing and four-stage breathwork. Diaphragmatic breathing consists of inhaling deeply into the abdomen, then slowly exhaling while focusing on relaxation. Four-stage breathwork involves slowly inhaling for four counts, holding your breath for four counts, slowly exhaling for four counts, then holding again for four counts before beginning again.

No matter which technique you choose, focusing on each breath and its effects on your body can be a powerful tool to combat exam stress. The goal isn’t to completely relax – rather it’s about calming down enough so that you are better able to focus on exams without worrying excessively about them or getting overly anxious.

Remembering to breathe during stressful times can not only reduce feelings of anxiety but also increase concentration levels; it has even been shown to boost memory recall! So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with exams, take a few minutes out of your day to practice deep breathing exercises – you’ll feel much more relaxed and prepared afterward.

2. Eat, sleep and exercise well – Eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly will help keep your body and mind in top shape for exams.

Eating a balanced diet is essential for keeping your energy levels up and helping you concentrate. It’s best to avoid sugary snacks and caffeine as these can cause energy spikes and dips which can affect your concentration. Instead, opt for healthy snacks like fruits, nuts or yogurt that will provide a steady release of energy throughout the day.

Getting enough sleep is also important in managing exam stress. Aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure you’re well rested and able to focus on your studies. If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night, try avoiding screens before bedtime and creating a relaxing nighttime routine such as reading or listening to calming music.

Finally, exercise is an effective way of reducing stress levels during exams. Exercise releases endorphins which help improve mood and reduce anxiety. Even just 20 minutes of physical activity a day can make a big difference in how you feel while studying for exams.

3. Set realistic goals – Don’t put too much pressure on yourself by setting unrealistic expectations. Instead, set achievable goals that you can work towards.

Setting realistic goals can help you stay focused and motivated during this challenging period. Here are some tips to help you set effective study goals:

  • Be specific – Make sure your goals are clear and specific, so that you know exactly what you need to do in order to achieve them.
  • Break it down – Divide your subjects into manageable chunks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of you.
  • Set deadlines – Give yourself deadlines for each task, so that you have a sense of urgency and don’t get sidetracked by other activities.
  • Reward yourself – Celebrate small successes along the way, such as completing a difficult assignment or studying for an entire day without distraction. This will help keep your motivation levels high throughout the exam period.
  • Get organized – Create a plan of action and stick to it, so that you can make the most out of every hour spent studying and avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks.

4. Don’t go it alone – Reach out to friends and family for support when you need it most. Talking about your worries can help relieve some of the stress you’re feeling.

Here are some tips on how to deal with exam stress without going it alone:

  • Reach out for help. Whether it’s a friend, family member, teacher or counselor, talking to someone about your worries and concerns can help you manage your stress levels.
  • Join a study group. Working together with other students can help you stay motivated and focused on the task at hand. It also gives you an opportunity to discuss any questions or issues that arise during the study process.
  • Take advantage of online resources. There are many websites and forums dedicated to helping students cope with exam stress, such as YoungMinds and Save the Student. These sites offer advice and support from experienced professionals who understand what you’re going through and can provide valuable insight into how to best manage your stress levels during exams.
  • Make time for yourself. Taking regular breaks from studying is essential in order to stay focused and energized throughout the exam period. Make sure to take time for yourself by doing activities that make you feel relaxed and happy, such as reading a book or listening to music.

5. Stick to a routine – Having a regular schedule for studying and sleeping will help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

One of the best ways to stay focused and reduce stress is to create a daily routine. Having a regular schedule for studying, eating, sleeping, and exercising can help you stay organized and on track with your studies.

Start by setting realistic goals for yourself each day. Make sure to include time for breaks in between studying sessions so that you don’t burn out. Eating healthy meals and snacks throughout the day will also help keep your energy levels up. Exercise is also important – even if it’s just a short walk or stretching session – as it helps relieve stress and boost concentration.

Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest before exams. Try not to cram too close to exam time as this can lead to increased anxiety and fatigue during the actual test.

6. Give yourself mini rewards – Rewarding yourself after completing tasks can give you motivation to keep going during tough times.

After completing a task or studying for a certain amount of time, reward yourself with something small like an ice cream cone or a piece of chocolate. This will give you something positive to look forward to after every accomplishment, which can help keep your spirits high during this stressful period in your life.

Spending quality time with friends is one of the best ways to relieve stress during exam season. Whether it’s going out for dinner or just hanging out at home, having someone who understands what you’re going through can make all the difference in helping you stay calm and relaxed during this hectic period in your life.

7. Try sensory stimulation – Activities like listening to music or taking a warm bath can help take your mind off of exams and reduce stress levels before an exam day arrives.

Sensory stimulation involves engaging one or more of your senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch—to help reduce stress and anxiety.

For example, you could try listening to calming music or taking a few deep breaths while looking at a soothing color like blue or green. You could also try coloring mandalas or using huggable pillows for tactile stimulation. Additionally, you could practice breathing exercises or use an electronic device that combines breathing regulation with multi-sensory stimulation to help you achieve relaxation.

Exam season doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. With these tips, you’ll be able to tackle exams with confidence and ease any stress that comes along with them.


In conclusion, exam stress is a common experience for many students, and it can have both positive and negative effects. While a certain amount of stress may be beneficial, too much exam stress can cause individuals to perform poorly on tests that mean so much to them. It is important to recognize the signs of excessive exam stress and take steps to manage it in order to ensure success. This can include sticking to a routine, getting enough sleep, rewarding yourself for small successes, and seeking help from friends or professionals if needed. By taking the necessary steps to reduce exam stress, students can feel more confident and prepared when facing their exams.


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