Still contemplating on what you stand to gain by attending a University? This article contains information on what a university can offer you.

According to Wikipedia [6], a university is an institution of higher education and research, which awards academic degrees in several academic disciplines.
Universities typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Although it is a known fact that many people go to University basically to acquire degrees, there are different opportunities a University can offer.
So, are you still contemplating if going to University is for you? Don’t overthink it. There are many benefits of going to a University. Some people want to go to University to get a degree to secure a high-paying job. Others see University as an avenue for networking. Different strokes for different folks.
In this article, we will look at numerous opportunities a University offers. Therefore, if you are of the opinion that University has nothing to offer, keep reading. You will be amazed at what the University has to offer you.
Here are a list of what University can offer:
First on the list of things a University can offer is a degree certificate. There are numerous certificates a university can offer, ranging from degree to honours certificate. Since certificate became one of the yardsticks for securing a job as well as being identified as a graduate, a lot of people attend University just to acquire one for themselves.
It is one thing to have a certificate and another thing to gain knowledge. Anybody can pay to get a certificate without working for it, but knowledge can never be bought. It is gained. According to [4], gaining knowledge is what makes a degree complete, not just having the certificate. Knowledge is understanding gained through learning or experience. So, by attending a university, you have the opportunity to gain knowledge about your field of study through learning.
Although University is an escape route for many students who desire to explore and be free from parental control, this freedom sometimes exposes students to immoral behaviors and lots of other vices. In Universities, students are not only taught to be academically sound but also morally disciplined. This is why a degree certificate always has the part that says “Certified in Character and learning.” According to Omolara Fagbure [1], Character comes before learning because true character embodies much more than the ability to perform well in school. One must be disciplined, honest, persevering and purposeful to reach his ultimate potential in life.
According to Theodore Roosevelt in TheGuardian, “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society,” Sadly, many Universities, especially government owned Universities, are lagging in this aspect since it is assumed that every University student is an adult.
While University is a platform that helps build character, it also helps students in skills development. Skills are classified into hard skills and soft skills[5]. Hard skills are job-related. It can also be referred to as technical, while soft skills are skills that are transferable between jobs. They can also be life skills, too. Examples include problem-solving, communication, teamwork, etc. The University has a way of helping students to develop such skills through various activities. For instance, seminars and projects help students to develop and improve their research skills, communication skills and a host of other skills.
In times where having skills increases the chance of securing a high paying job, many jobs still require a college degree as a proof of competence. In such cases, having only a skill won’t be enough. Depending on the level of the position you wish to obtain, you may require a certain type of degree and only a University can offer that. If you need a senior position in a certain field, having a high level degree like a master’s or doctoral degree will impact your chances of being hired.
Another thing a University offers is networking [2] opportunities. In the University, students get to meet people from across the world, regardless of whether it is a distance learning or not. Asides networking with fellow students, many students also take part in internships, which provide opportunities to interact and network with future potential employers.
It is common to hear people argue that University has got nothing to offer except a mere paper certificate which anybody can acquire without actually studying to get it. While this may be true, a University has more to offer than just paper qualifications. This can be confirmed from the benefits above.
Going to University is a different experience for every student. If you wish to work in a specific field and build a career for yourself, then there is a high probability that getting a University degree is unavoidable.
Apart from qualifying you for a job, going to University teaches many transferable skills, provides experiences and for people like myself, helps you build a strong network.
So, when next you wish to dispute the fact that University has something to offer, think of the above mentioned benefits.
[1] Fagbure, Omolara. “Certified in Character and Learning.”, 1610106097000,
[2] Nair, Madhu. “Top Benefits of Going to College.” University of the People, 15 Oct. 2018,
[3] “News, Sport and Opinion from the Guardian’s UK Edition.” The Guardian, Accessed 11 Apr. 2023.
[4] “The Conversation: In-Depth Analysis, Research, News and Ideas from Leading Academics and Researchers.” The Conversation, Accessed 11 Apr. 2023.
[5] “Two Types of Skills.”, Accessed 11 Apr. 2023.
[6] Wikipedia contributors. “University.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
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