Home ECZ ECZ GCE Registration Open – 2022 Exam

ECZ GCE Registration Open – 2022 Exam


This article contains information on the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) GCE Registration as well as the application closing date for the 2022 examination. It also contains the link to the ECZs application information and the registration portal.

Reminder: Grade 9 and GCE Registration Deadline - 2021 Exam

Be informed that the Candidate Registration Exercise for the 2022 General Certificate of Education (GCE) candidates commenced on Monday, 20th December, 2021.
Please note that these two levels shall follow the Candidate Registration method used to register candidates for the 2022 examinations.
Also note that you will be advised when the registration for 2022 Candidate Registration Exercise for Grade 7, Grade 9 Internal and Grade 12 shall commence.

Registration for examinations is done through the Online Candidate Registration System (OCRS). Therefore, candidates are advised to get in touch with the school prior to registration. Avoid last minute rush and secure your examination seat by registering early.

>>>Update: Grade 9 External and GCE Registration Deadline – 2022 Exam


  • Candidates entering for the General Certificate of Education Examination must be in possession of a valid National Registration Card (NRC) or valid passport.
See Also:  How to Check the Grade 7 Results for 2022


Applicants are required to take note of the application procedure below:

  • Registration of the GCE candidates for the year 2022 Examination will be done through the Online Candidate Registration System (OCRS). This is a system that has been designed to allow for the registration of candidates at the school and district levels.
  • An intending candidate becomes a bonafide candidate only after he/she has been correctly entered by the Head teacher of a registered Examination Centre and confirmed by the Examinations Council of Zambia through the final Attendance register.
  • The Head teachers/Centre Coordinators are advised to strictly follow the guidelines for the registration of candidates enclosed herewith and in the OCRS manual.
  • The Provincial Education Officers and District Education Board Secretaries should ensure that checklists are used to verify that all registered examination centres have presented candidates on the printed and signed Provisional Candidate registers from the schools/centres.
  • Only provisional candidate registers printed after verification and signed by the candidates should be submitted to the Examinations Council of Zambia together with Special Educational Needs Reports, Centre subject totals and Payment Reports for each centre.
  • Verification of data is one quality control measure which ensures that all candidates have been You are therefore urged not to skip any of the verification processes.
>>>Update: ECZ Grade 9 Registration 2022 – How to Register Online


The Examinations Council of Zambia has announced Examination fees to be paid by candidates for the year 2022 School and College Examinations. The scale of examination fees payable by School/College Examinations candidates for the year 2022 examinations is as follows:

See Also:  ECZ 2018 Grades 7, 9, 12 and GCE Certificates Collection

Entry fee

K 75.00 per candidate
Subject fee K 120.00 per subject

The Heads/Principals of Schools/Colleges should ensure that only candidates who have paid the required Examination fees in full are entered for the Examination. This will therefore mean that the signed Provisional Registers, Special Educational Needs.

Reports, centre subject totals and Payment Reports for each centre which will be delivered to the Examinations Council of Zambia will be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. yellow copies of receipts issued to candidates
  2. copy of the Revenue Cashbook
  3. copies of Banking slip.

Only GCE candidates who have paid examination fees should be entered for the examination.

Find out more about the ECZ Examination Registration and Administrative Fees >>>



The Head teacher/Centre Coordinator should compile registration data to be entered in by asking candidates to provide the following details:

  1. Names which should be on the Certificate in full; and as they appear on the Birth Certificate.
  2. Date of Birth and gender as it appears on the Birth Certificate/Birth Record;
  3. Subjects to be written and paper options;
  4. Candidate’s school of choice where applicable;

Note: Schools in (4) above should be approved Grade 9 Examination Centres:

  1. Valid Candidate Examination Number, (For Grade 12 Internal, as it appears on Grade 9 Certificate or Statement of Results and for Grade 9  Internal,  as  it  appears  on  Grade  7  Certificate  or  Statement  of Results)
  2. Candidate National Registration Card Number for GCE Candidates.

Once the above details have been compiled, the Head teacher should ask the candidates to verify that the above information has been correctly written before commencement of entering the data.

  • The Head teacher should ensure that all the candidates in the school have provided the required and correct registration details.
  • The Accounting Officers should ensure that a list of candidates who have paid examination fees (where applicable) is given to the Head teacher for submission to the Data Entry Officer.
  • Only candidates that have paid Examination Fees (where applicable) should be registered for Examinations.
  • The Data Entry Officer must ensure that instructions provided in the Online Candidate Registration System manual are followed when entering the The most important points to note should include the following:
    • Examination numbers will be automatically generated;
    • All the subjects must be selected for the candidates;
    • Candidates can enter for one or more subjects but a maximum of nine.

After the data have been entered, a Provisional Register should  be printed by the School for candidates to verify the details. Where there are corrections to be made, these must be effected by the Examination Centre before submitting to the Examinations Council of Zambia

NOTE: The candidates MUST sign on the provisional register to confirm their registration details.

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  1. Is tuition fee mandatory? There instances where by you choose not to attend lessons because some will not manage due to there daily activities like work and other activities. I would like to know because it is not supposed to be forced.

  2. My daughter has been asked to pay k450 for grade 9GCE + k150 she is rewriting 4 subjects . English,maths,science and social studies is it how its supposed to be?


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