Home Student & Career Tips 10 Easy Ways to Make Money from eBook

10 Easy Ways to Make Money from eBook


This article contains information on the 10 easy ways to make money from eBook.

10 Easy Ways to Make Money from eBook

Writing has proven time and again to be another lucrative business especially if the writer knows his onions whether as a blogger, journalist, biographer etc. and in fact, the disruptive nature of technology has brought about innovative tools that can aid authors write effectively, share their contents, and get more followers and fans. One of such is Electronic Book abbreviated as E-book.  Sometimes you may wonder how else the authors make their money if they place their intellectual property on the air especially for free?  We would delve quickly into how you can make six figures and even more for yourself as a writer. Other benefits can be in the form of exposure to building a customer base, subscribers etc.

But first off, it is important we point out that traditional writers make money from sales, advertorials probably at the back pages of their books, honorarium and tours. So giving access to your books online exposes you to other advantages coupled with these.

An average internet user is bombarded with useful cum unnecessary loads of information daily, so before you can make ends meet from writing for public consumption, divert the attention of a person to your work, you would need to ask yourself why they should take out their precious time to download or buy your book? What special thing are you going to write about that has not been written before or what problem are you trying to fix?

Hence, before money can be made, there are some steps to consider. We would dovetail into it immediately.


Below includes how to make money from Ebooks.

1. First, it is important you know your passion and create your own craft on a particular subject matter or genre.

It is rather unwise to author different subjects even though it is not impossible to be experts in all fields. Effective writers are known for one style and subject matter and by that, they have been able to carve a niche for themselves. Nora Roberts is known for writing Novels. You can rarely find a book centred on politics authored by Nora Robert. Her passion has rendered her name popular; her books have generated leads on different search engines, giving her the exposure she has always wanted her books to have. Your passion or gifts are like your expertise, develop yourself regularly and then carving a niche for yourself would work out seamlessly.

It is not advisable to be jack of all trade and master of none. You have to be associated with a particular niche. You cannot be successful when you’re everywhere as a writer. If it is fiction, nonfiction, content writing, copywriting etc, stick to one Niche and be known with it.

2. Your passion would give you the liberty to provide good content, which is the next step.

No reader would open a book-online or hardcopy and read trash or the regular article. Your writings must pass a message and solve a problem. Every writer must be patient enough to thoroughly research whatever subject matter. You can do this through surfing the internet, reading expensively on different issues, following the news, speaking with individuals and getting their opinions etc. It is also important that you understand your target audience because that would determine your style and content. Let’s look at a children and health author, their style of writing and messages would be totally different as well as their audience. The children author would obviously be targeted at teens while the former would have to decide which age group to focus on. A gynaecologist would streamline his or her content to women.

3. Make Your Presence Known

Another way to make money from ebooks is to make you presence known. Sadly, the mistake some writers make is to sit back quietly without making your presence known.

Social media has made things easier for everyone; we no longer need promoters before people get to know of what we do. It will be difficult to have a massive response if you just sit back silently and wait to publish a book before your presence is known. If I decide to publish an Ebook on my Niche of writing, today, I’m sure I will get enough buyers. This is because I have made my presence known especially on Facebook.

Daily, I add values in the lives of many without getting paid; I inspire them to become better humans. I have gotten a large audience list and if I publish a book, they will be willing to patronize my ebook.

In other words, don’t relax and wait to publish an Ebook first before making your presence known, else you may just be disappointed at the turn of events, except you employ the services of powerful promoters and influencers.

4. Know Your Target Audience

From your niche as a writer, you can easily know your audience and in knowing your audience, you can easily write to solve their problems. Writing without knowing whom you’re writing for, is a waste of resources. So, know your audience first, before publishing an Ebook, else it will be difficult to make money from your Ebook.

5. Get an Experienced Boss/ Mentor

We all want to be our own bosses but the bitter truth is, no matter how much you want to be your own boss, you cannot know it all. Before and after publishing an eBook, involving a higher person who has tolled the path in the past, there is certainly something to learn from that person.

There are writers who wished they had certain information before publishing an Ebook. You wouldn’t want to learn from your personal mistakes. Learning from the mistakes of others is a sure way to prevent “Had I known”.

6. Package Your Content

Outside fictional writing that is majorly imaginative, most of what everyone else writes, is something that can be accessed easily online but as human nature is, most times free information is not valued except it is paid for.

While writing an ebook you wish to make tons of cash from, you need to go extra miles to package your content, do something that’s worth paying for. If you’re writing to educate or inform, ensure it covers practically everything on that topic.

7. Invest In Your Work

In business, one has to spend money to make money. It is true that writing and publishing an ebook is very easy and doesn’t require much unlike when publishing a printable book. This should not be a reason for not doing something spectacular.

If you must make money from Ebooks invest in it. Getting a beautiful cover for the book is an amazing idea, employing the services of a professional editor and proofreader is not too much of an investment. Nobody would want to pay for a book that is packed with grammatical errors.

As a first time Ebook writer, this is a must-do. First impressions have a lasting effect. If your first ebook is nothing worth paying for, subsequent ones will surely suffer due to the impression the previous one left. Spend money on your eBooks, if you want to make your cool cash from it.

8. Know Your Platforms

Publishing an Ebook is a wonderful Idea but the platform used in publishing goes a long way to determine the success that will be recorded. When publishing your ebook, there are lots of platforms to consider. Some of them include Amazon, Nook, IBook, Kobo and a host of others.

These platforms do not only allow for self-publishing, they help publishers to market their books worldwide. Each of these platforms has their unique features. While I’m not here to promote any platform, in particular, the most popular and widely used of these platforms is Amazon Kindle.

It has lots of features that attracts writers and helps them to make the money they desire.

9. Launch and Market your eBooks

Publishing an Ebook can be very exciting but of what use is it to publish a book without creating awareness? Do you just sit back and wait for your publishers to market your book? No.

After publishing, get your book across to people via any suitable means in the media. This is why it is best to make your presence known and have an already existing audience as a writer before publishing. This way, you already have an available market.

While marketing, also have in mind to sell at affordable prices not necessarily lowering the worth of your books. Also, go extra miles to promote your book, use blogs if need be. Sometimes, do free giveaways. I know that the target is to make tons of money but trust me; these are parts of the secrets to making the money you desire from your Ebook.

10. Further, you should have a website where your fans and followers can access your works.

Not just your social media handles-Facebook, Instagram and Twitter- though they are very important as we would discuss that latter. A website should be dedicated to providing information about you, the author, previous books and other necessary information. On your website, you host schemes such as giveaways, en mass email subscribers etc. For instance, if you just published a book and want to sell your book for some amount, you can release two chapters of the book on your website giving people access for a few days and then giving a discount for those who order directly from your website. What does this translate into? This would boost the traffic on your website providing access to advert placement which can be another huge income source. The writer can also host give ways for readers by asking questions from the book and them asking readers to provide answers probably at a stipulated time. Apart from the income, you would gain, it would boost readership.

When your works are accessible on the internet, they are referenced by bloggers and even influencers can access your work. Imagine if Barack Obama reads a trial of your work after surfing through the internet, he would most likely share his experience on his social media account with millions of followers. Now imagine if a million followers know about your just-published book? You increase your fan base and make more money from sales because it would become Number one bestseller!

It is very possible to publish your book yourself through Amazon or other ebook tools if you do not want to own a website. Publishing on Amazon helps you to bypass the traditional method of publishing which is majorly the strenuous task of searching for agents and publishers to push your work. On Amazon, you have the liberty to sell your books on demand and market them. Bottom Line

Writing Ebooks are silent ways of earning passively without lifting a finger. The major work lies in writing and publishing but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to relax afterwards. If you must keep the cash rolling in from your Ebook, a little work is required.

As a writer or someone who is passionate about publishing a book but does not know how to go about making money from it, this is the answer you seek.

Acknowledgement: Content was also contributed by Chioma Oparah 

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