Home Student & Career Tips How to Have an Unforgettable University Experience

How to Have an Unforgettable University Experience


Ever wondered how you can get an unforgettable university experience? It’s very achievable. The experiences gained in the classroom and outside the classroom is what makes up college lifeExperience gained from the university will not only get you prepared with the knowledge needed to take the next step towards your career path but also provide skills and valuable lessons to leverage for years to come. University is often the first chance to live independently. Here’s how to get the most and best out of it [1].

How to Have an Unforgettable University Experience
Get the best of University experiences by doing the things highlighted in this article.


1.  Be Involved.

One way to have a memorable experience in the University is to participate actively in the school. The tasking curriculum of the university may make it challenging to get involved in campus activities. However, creating or joining a college club or organization, finding a job on campus or taking part in campus events and activities can give new skills and help in self-development.

These changes boost creativity, leadership and social skills, and can also serve as a significant replacement for work experience when going through your résumé for professional opportunities. The social skills you gained in university will be of benefit to you in life after university. For instance, when searching for the job that suits your career path, it is vital not only that you be qualified for the position, but that you fit into the work environment. As you build on the development of these social skills, it will be easier to fit into the work environment later.

2.  Make long-lasting relationships.

Get to know your lecturers, have their contact information and office hours. Participate in class and communicate with your lecturers outside of the class. Build a rapport or cordial relationship with your lecturers and advisors as this can pave a way for your success in university and outside the university. Majority of students keep in touch with their lecturers after graduation in order to get mentorship or guidance.

Also, lecturers can be difficult sometimes, thereby making it relevant to have a friend whom you can work through assignments and projects with. You will spend so much time with your roommate or peers in organizations that you are almost certain to establish long-term friendships. It is usual to meet some of your best friends or future colleagues in university. It is a small world we live in.

3.  Be smart.

Excellent time management for university students is extremely important especially if you plan to get involved in organizations or maintaining a job while going to school. Check out our “best time management apps for students”.

Make a weekly plan to help you maintain focus on your goals. For instance, plan segments of your time for studying, research, exercising, meeting project deadlines, working, spending time with family and other tasks that need to be finished. Although effective time management in the university won’t make your assignments easier, instead it will let you have a clear set of priorities and minimize stress.

4.  Ask for help, no man is an Island.

Another way to get the best experiences in the University is learning to ask for help from both Lecturers and classmates, this does not include financial help. Ask for help in any of the course areas you are experiencing difficulties. Lecturers are a great resource when you are having difficulty in classes. Also, you can become a better student by getting tutored (attending tutorials) as this will build your knowledge.

Resources such as university career services can assist you with résumé building, job interview questions, job hunting and networking skills on campus. All of these play a vital roles in preparing you for life after college. You should not go for these resources only when you think you need them because there is always room for improvement. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, if you ever feel overworked, stressed or just in need of advice or a friendly ear, your university likely has an abundant amount of resources on campus. Whenever you feel like you need help managing a heavy workload, go to your university’s Student Success Centre or student’s union or make an appointment with an academic guidance counsellor to search for help. Feeling homesick and burned out? Do not be afraid to reach out to people you trust or your university’s student health services for guidance.

Particularly, mental health issues are becoming the usual thing among students, and no one should be afraid to talk about the mental issues he/she is passing through. Fortunately, society is gradually shedding its stigma against mental ill-health and becoming increasingly aware of the importance of recognizing mental health issues on campus. There is no shame in admitting that you are having a tough time and asking for help because we all do at times and you are not alone. Your health ( physical and emotional) is so essential in order to ensure you are on your feet and moving forward so that you can enjoy your university years to the fullest.

5.  Live healthily

Your mental and physical health can easily be ignored during your busy university years due to tedious academic curriculum, however, prioritizing your health will make your university experience better. Good mental health starts with keeping up with your assignments. If you fall behind, it can be difficult to catch up and will cause undue stress and anxiety, especially for student’s who desire to graduate with good grades

If you are keeping up with your schoolwork, but still feeling stressed, take some time for yourself. Meditate, exercise or spend time with friends or family. Practice ways in which you can take your mind away from school for a little while. If things get bad, seek out help from a university counsellor.

Physical health is important too and can also assist with stress management. Take advantage of your school’s gym or a college student organization that interests you. It is an excellent way to stay healthy and create your social network at the same time.

6.  Have a social life

School is time-consuming and getting good grades are important but we must make time to enjoy ourselves and avoid mental breakdowns. It is one thing to pass through school and having school pass through you. I know that this may sound confusing. However, what this means is that, while the aim of being in the University is to graduate with good grades, it is also important to create time for extracurriculars. These are other avenues that exposes one to more experiences in the University. Becoming a book worm doesn’t cut it. You also have to learn away from the classroom by creating time for social life. The goal is to balance classroom learning and fun life

7.  Take advantage of your electives.

It is usual for incoming students to think that every last class they take will be in some way related to their major. This is actually not true. Nevertheless, many of your classes will cover topics related to your overall degree, you also have electives you do each year. In your first and second years, many of your classes will be laid out for you but you may likely get one or two choice(s) of your own.

Many students just pick options within the domain of the classes and topics they already have to take, not knowing how many interesting and new classes are available. Depending on what’s running each semester, students can take classes in and out of their faculty, like a Spanish class for instance. Look at all the options, take advantage.

Although, things can get a little hectic when enrolment comes around but remember to use the course preview ahead of time to examine all your options. Join a class that really peaks your interest, taught by an interesting lecturer or probably someone in another discipline or faculty.


[1] 7 ways to make the most of your time at university. (n.d.). Mdx.ac.uk.  https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/student-life/news/lifestyle/7-ways-to-make-the-most-of-your-time-at-university.

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