Home Residence Online Application How to Apply for CUT Residence Online Application 2025

How to Apply for CUT Residence Online Application 2025


Are you a new student at the Central University of Technology, CUT who is eager to learn more about the many advantages of residing on campus? OR maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to settle down and embark on your path to earning a degree? Whatever got you here, this article is the ideal how-to to make sure that your CUT residence online application for the 2025 academic year goes smoothly. Any student, whether just embarking on their tertiary education journey or entering their second or third year, can benefit from taking advantage of university housing. Here, we’ll outline the CUT Residence Online Application procedure step by step so you may quickly and simply get housing. Learn more about how simple it is to snag one of these sought-after residence hall seats by reading on. 

UNIVEN Residence Online | WSU Residence Online Application


To apply for residence, please follow these following easy steps: 

  1. You must have a student number and a pin. 
  2. Registered academically. 
  3. Log on to CUT ITS ienabler. 
  4. Then click on the residence rules and regulations process. He/she must “Accept” the rules to be able to continue with his/her application. Continue by clicking on “Submit residence application
  5. Click on “New Record”. (You only have one option to apply for accommodation.)
  6. Proceed to the next process to Submit the Residence Application. Make use of the list of values by
    1. Enter the academic year (Should be 2023)
    2. Residence period (Depending on your course – should be YEAR or SEMESTER
    3. Choose building (Click on magnifying glass to see residences)
    4. Click on the “Proceed with application” button.
  7. When done click on “Proceed with Application
  8. It will display the record that has been captured.
  9. The student will then receive a Residence Application Notification which will display the student residence details.
See Also:  How to Apply for WSU Residence Online Application 2025


  • Your status will stay on “pending” until the office starts processing the applications.
  • First-year students: First year students’ status will change to “N” (no decision taken) until they are admitted for residence. If a first-year student is placed, the status will change to “G”. Students can only be placed if fully accepted for studies. If a student stays on “N” it could indicate that the residences are fully booked.
  • Senior students: All senior student status will change to “W” (waiting list) until they are accepted to stay at residence. If status stays on “W” it could indicate that the residences are fully booked. Students will then be on a waiting list until somebody who gets space cancels his/her accommodation.
  • Cancellation: Students who applied and got a space in a CUT residence but will not be able to accept the placement should cancel their accommodation. Students who get space but do not register online in time could forfeit their space if not making arrangements with the office or residence in advance.
  • Email address/contact number: Make sure your email address is always up to date as we will communicate with you via email. Also
    update your contact number if it changes. If you have a student number and pin you can update it on the student portal.


There are many advantages to living in Central University of Technology housing as a student. 

  • It is inexpensive, for starters. 
  • Comparing the price of on-campus living to off-campus housing reveals that housing prices are far lower than those you would find in the private sector. 
  • Students may easily travel to class because Central University of Technology housing is conveniently situated close to the campus. 
  • Finally, Central University of Technology housing gives students a safe and secure place to reside. 
See Also:  Lovedale College Residence Online Application 2023 | How to Apply



Huis TechnikonSituated on campus Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3175
WelgemoedSituated on campus Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3171
Mannheim LadiesMannheim is situated on the corner of King Edward road and Ella streets, within walking distance of CUT Bloemfontein Campus. Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3161
Graduandi House
The residence is situated on campus, and accommodates male and female postgraduate students.
Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4175


EendragSituated on campus Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3170
LoggiesLoggies is situated on the corner of Goddard and Saltzman Streets, within walking distance of the CUT Bloemfontein Campus. Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3247
Mannheim MenMannheim is situated on the corner of King Edward road and Ella streets, within walking distance of the CUT campus. Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3594
Gymnos residence accommodates sport students and is situated in Park Road, within walking distance from the CUT campus in Bloemfontein.
Tel: +27 (0)51 507 4182


There are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of getting housing at the Central University of Technology next year if you are unsuccessful in doing so this year. 

  • Begin your search as soon as possible. Since dorms at the Central University of Technology fill up fast, it’s best to start the process as soon as possible. 
  • You should be open to different options. It’s possible that you won’t be able to secure the exact room or apartment that you desire due to a lack of availability. But think critically and test every possibility.
  • Finally, have documentation of your earnings ready. Students who can prove financial stability are given priority for on-campus housing at the Central University of Technology. Your prospects of finding a place to live decrease significantly without income documentation. 
See Also:  Lovedale College Accommodation Allowance 2022 | How to Apply


Some of us don’t know the fun of staying in the hostel despite attending day secondary school. The university hostel or residence differs from a high school boarding school in that it allows you this level of freedom while reducing overbearing supervision. On the other hand, it allows you to meet other students who share your interests. This, among others, is a reason why you need to apply for the CUT hostel to enjoy the benefits that come with it. 

You must be a bonafide student of the Central University of Technology whether returning or a freshman, to be eligible for a residence application. To apply, you’ll need a laptop or phone with an internet connection. 

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