Home Student Funds/Bursaries How to Apply for SASSA Unemployment Grant for 2023

How to Apply for SASSA Unemployment Grant for 2023


This article contains a guide on how to apply for the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) unemployment grant in South Africa for the year 2023.

The intensity of the current pandemic was such that devastated most countries globally, leaving the Governments of the affected countries with no other choice than to go on total lock-down and restricting her citizens from engaging in their daily activities, with the exemption of Special workers  like those in the medical and financial sector. This move was no doubt in the interest of the masses but that notwithstanding, it caused more harm than good especially to the poor in the society who depended on the stipend they made on a daily basis for sustenance and survival.

How to Apply for Unemployment Grant in South Africa - 2020

It was on this note that some well-meaning countries devised a means to assist her citizens while the lock-down lasted. South Africa was one of such countries that took such bold steps which led to the  provision of unemployment grants.

Prior to the pandemic, South Africa has always provided varieties of social grants in the country. This was basically handled by the South African Social Security Agency, SASSA.

There are about seven categories of social grants being provided by SASSA. Some include:

  • Grant for elderly people
  • Care dependency grant
  • War veterans grant
  • Social relief of distress
  • Child support grant and others.

With the existence of the C***D 19 virus  which was discovered in 2019 but became a global pandemic at the beginning of 2020, the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa announced a new unemployment grant of R 350 monthly for the next six months until October.

However, not all are eligible for the special Social Relief of Distress grant;

Applicants must:

  • Be a South African Citizens, permanent residents or refugees registered with home affairs
  • Resident within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;
  • Be unemployed;
  • Not receiving any income;
  • Be above the age of 18;
  • Not receiving any social grant;
  • Not receiving any unemployment insurance benefit and does not qualify to receive unemployment insurance benefits;
  • Not receiving any other government response support and
  • Not resident in a government funded or subsidised institution.
  • Not be receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme;

If you meet with the above criteria, below are requirements for the application:

  • Identity Number;
  • Name and Surname as captured in the ID card
  • Gender and Disability
  • Phone number
  • Proof of Residential Address
  • Banking details
  • If you are eligible for the grant and have the necessary requirements, the next step is to apply for the unemployment grant.
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THE South African Government as well as SASSA has ensured that the application process is such that anyone can handle with ease. As a result of this, SASSA does not require any applicant to scan in supporting documents such as ID, proof of address or bank statements.

By lodging an application, applicants give consent for SASSA to validate/ confirm the financial and other information against data sources held by government and financial institutions.

Therefore, it is  important to note that provision of false information in the bid to qualify for the grant is an offence and withe consequences. With this in mind, below are ways of applying of the unemployment grant in South Africa:

  • For those using WhatsApp, you can apply using this number 0600 123 456 and selecting SASSA afterwards.
  • You can also apply  using USSD *134*7737#
  • E-mail: SRD@sassa.gov.za(link sends e-mail)
  • Call centre IVR: 0800 60 10 11
  • Website:  https://srd.sassa.gov.za
  • No paper based applications will be accepted and payment will be effected through a channel of your choice.
  • Citizens without bank accounts can also apply.   In this case payment will be effected through a money transfer, once all the necessary validations have been completed.
  • Once applications are approved, SASSA will request confirmation of bank account through a secure site.  This will also be done electronically.
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As a result of the increase in  fraudulent acts by dubious individuals who are searching for unsuspecting  preys, applicants have been given the opportunity to request confirmation that the  request is from SASSA. Other guiding rules for the interest and security of applicants include:

Application Is Free

The government has ensured that the application is free. There is no charge to apply and as such, applicants are warned against the purchase of any application forms  as these are not genuine and will not be processed.

Applicants are warned against  providing their banking details to anyone. SASSA will only request banking information once the application has been approved.

All beneficiaries and applicants should never give their PIN number or the CVV number on the back of the banking card to anyone.

Change Payment Preference

Applicants change from one payment method to another. The options range from receiving the grant at the Post Office to a bank account of their choice or vice versa

Move their payments from one bank to another

Choose a cash send option using a cellphone which is registered in their name.

However, in order to change your payment preference you can visit https://srd.sassa.gov.za.

Payment options and details

SASSA will pay the grant to you through one of the following methods:

  • Cash at a specific pay point on a particular day.
  • Electronic deposit into your bank or Postbank account.

Note: If you’re unable to collect the money yourself, you can appoint a SASSA official, or give someone power of attorney to collect the grant on your behalf.

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After applying for the unemployment grant, it is important to follow up the processing to avoid losing track and being left in the dark. Below is additional information on how to check your application status to know if you qualified for the grant.

Checking the SASSA status can be done in various ways.

  • One way is to check through social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.
  • The second means to by going through the website by typing https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/status into their browser.
  • For those that applied through Whatsapp, the WhatsApp  number for checking is 082 046 8553
  • If you applied using the platform. All you have to do is add the number to your contacts, and text the word “Status”. You will be asked if you want to check the status for yourself or someone else. Regardless of what your response might be, you will have to provide the reference code which is alphanumeric for WhatsApp users, and only numeric for others.
  • Alternatively, you can also check through the use of  USSD code *134*7737#.
  • If you applied using email or the online portal, visit https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/status as soon as the site starts working again.

Irrespective of your preferred method for checking the status, you will be asked to provide:

  • Your ID number and the number you used to apply
  • After providing the necessary information, your status will  be displayed.

This article will guide you through the application process but bear in mind that you will only start receiving payment from the month you applied and your application approved. There is no such thing as back payment.

For instance, if you applied for the unemployment grant in June, you will only receive payment starting from June one the application gets approved. You shouldn’t expect to be paid for the months the grant was approved by the government. Therefore, the earlier the better.

In your bid to get the unemployment grant, be guided as not to fall victim to scammers.

Further Readings:
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