Home Application Forms UNIVEN Masters and PhD in Education Application Forms – 2024

UNIVEN Masters and PhD in Education Application Forms – 2024

This article contains information on University of Venda, UNIVEN Masters and PhD in Education Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025, and how to apply. It also contains the University of Venda, UNIVEN Masters and PhD in Education Application Form download link, as well as its online application where necessary. University of Venda, Univen Online Application – 2021 Admission This article contains information on the University of Venda, the UNIVEN application form, and requirements for admission into Masters and PhD in Education programmes for the 2024 academic year. The University of Venda has been chosen to be part of the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) Pilot Project with the University of Limpopo and Nelson Mandela University. The pilot project, led by NECT, is driving the Department of Basic Education Research Agenda 2020–2023. Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON SCHOOL LEAVERS and SPECIAL CASES.


Have you a recognised honours or masters degree in Education or related qualifications with an average pass rate of 60%? Respond to the call of the School of Education to pursue postgraduate studies in education (MED / DED) in the following identified thematic areas in 2022-2023.
See Also:  UNIVEN Entry Requirements for 2024/2025
Thematic area Main Research questions
1.   Teacher development What is the most cost-effective way of delivering and supporting in-service training in different contexts and for different subject areas?
Do the existing implementation efforts, including the various methods and models in CPTD, respond adequately to the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa, 2011–2025?
To what extent are teachers adequately prepared in pre-service training?
2.   Teacher support Are school Heads of Departments (HODs) in a position to fulfil their role as a crucial lever towards effective curriculum delivery?
Are Subject Advisors in a position to effectively support curriculum delivery?
What is the impact and cost of utilising teacher assistants?
What would the impact of providing teachers be?with psychosocial support and motivation be on learning outcomes?
3.   Learning and Teaching Support Material What is the role of textbooks in the 21st century?century?
What are the cost of retrieval and the top-up of textbooks vs newtextbooks supplied each year?
Are there sufficient reading material in the foundation phase classrooms?
4.   Teaching Language and Reading Is the EFAL curriculum effectively preparing learners for Grade 4?transitioning
How do effectively teach Home Language in African languages?
5.   Teaching numeracy and mathematics How can learners be supported in Mathematics classrooms?
How do effectively teach Mathematics? (Focusing on the Foundation)Phase)
What is the extent of the inequality at the starting gate?
6.   Pre-Grade R and7.   Grade R How do we effectively deliver the curriculum in Grade R?
What is the most cost-effective way of delivering pre-Grade R inSouth Africa?
8.   Heterogeneous Classrooms and Learning What are the patterns of learning across grades?
What are the effects of the large disparity in performance amonglearners in the same classrooms?
What options exist to support effective teaching in these conditions?
9.   Information and Communication Technology (ICT) What role can ICT play in improving the quality of teaching and learning?
10.         Sector planning andbudgeting How do we ensure that we have a sufficient number of teachers over the medium to long run?
 Sector budgeting
What data are required for education policymaking and planning?
11.         Accountability How can we enhance accountability at the school level?
12.         Infrastructure Financial implications
See Also:  How to Apply for Academy of York Online Application 2024/2025


Applications for study at Univen in 2024/2025 are fully online.

University of Venda, UNIVEN Postgraduate Application Procedures

Applicants are urged to apply online through an online-based application form. Ensure that you have completed all necessary information before submitting, e.g. accommodation.  The application form must be accompanied by the following documents:
  • ID for South African citizen
  • Passports for international students
  • All appropriate qualifications (e.g. full academic record/transcript and degree/diploma certificate)
See Also:  Inscape Design College Online Application Form – 2024/2025 Admission

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