Home Application Status WSU Application Status Check 2025 | status.wsu.ac.za

WSU Application Status Check 2025 | status.wsu.ac.za


We are happy to present to you information on the Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Application Status for the 2025 academic session and Admission letter as well as the link (status.wsu.ac.za) to check it.

Walter Sisulu University, WSU Application Status – 2021 Admission

Getting an application done for admission into an institution of your choice can be seen as a level of progress but trying to know if it is successful or not can be tedious. Therefore, it is not enough to apply to study at the Walter Sisulu University but keeping track of the application status.

With technology, life has been made easier and this has brought an increase in  the level of online transactions in all works of life, the educational sector inclusive. Therefore, with the existence of school portals, tracking of your WSU status check for 2024/2025 can be done with only a click of a button.

As a result of this, the management of the Walter Sisulu University has released a link where you can track your application status for the 2024/2025 academic session at anywhere and anytime. The application status link shows the names of successful applicants accepted and an upload of admission letters for download.

See Also:  Walter Sisulu University, WSU Entry Requirements for 2024/2025

After applying to the school, it is normal to receive a response from them a few days after the close of application. This is dependent on when you applied and how you applied. On extremely busy periods, close to closing dates, it will take about 4 to 6 weeks. Oftentimes, hard copy applications take longer, as the application forms still need to be captured. Thus, online applications are quicker and have been constantly recommended for prospective WSU students.

If eventually you don’t receive a response from the school after the period of 6 weeks you do not have to panic. You can easily check your application status on the school portal through the few steps below.

See Also:  WSU Academic Calendar – 2024/2025 Term Dates
Read Also:


Applicants are advised to check their WSU application status through the link below

After confirming your Walter Sisulu University Admission Status, you can then proceed to WSU Application Portal: status.wsu.ac.za to View your Admission letter process. Steps:

  1. Goto the WSU application status Portal via: status.wsu.ac.za
  2. Log in with your Application Details, i.e Your username and password or index number.
  3. Navigate to the Admission Letter section to download and print your admission letter.

NOTE: Admission Letters will be available for viewing on the institution’s Portal.

See Also:  Academy of York Application Status Check - 2024

Alternatively, you can check your application/admission status by visiting the institution’s website for any new updates concerning admission for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Further Readings:

To confirm whether you have been granted a chance at the university, you will require the login details that the university provides during the initial process of application. So, it is important you secure the details well because that is what will be used to track your application status.

Tracking application status is that easy. With a few clicks, you’re done. I hope this information was helpful.

Congratulations to all the successful applicants that made it to the Walter Sisulu University.

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  1. WSU guys yu really hae a poor system, why it’s take so long to respond on an application status, I have ried to check application status several times but I can not move into the next phase on your portal.I have tried to punch the student number and ID but still unsuccessful.

  2. I have been applied for diploma in tourism management at WSU since 2018 this was my first choice…got student number in 2019 which is 220191115…put me in waiting list since then ..my status didn’t change. LUCKILY NSFAS admitted me can you please help me I still need to further my studies Yours faithfully S Maphoyi MMaa

  3. Guys my name is shawn and i did not get the services at which you potrey about wsu and you can’t even allow walk in’s for students who come from disadvantaged families and i travelled from durban to east london hoping that walk in’s were bieng done and what i saw there was a discrace to our people. children travelled long trips from around the province hoping to get a school and ya’ll js told them go online these kids are from rural areas they don’t have that much access to internet so please guys give us a chance to study. Motsi president of the SRC your doing a great job keep it up and thank you guys for the accomodation while i was there coz i didn’t have even a place to crash but you guys made a plan so thanks to SRC but those who hide behide online crape that keeps us on waiting lists while nsfas is waiting for us to register.

  4. I applied to WSU past weeks ago but since now I haven’t received any response this make me worried a lot cause I want to study there , I applied Policing in in Postdam

  5. I applied and my status has been saying admitted since last year I haven’t received anything about registration until now, please help I really need to study this year

  6. I have applied uploaded my documents but the system keep on saying failed to upload documents. I tried to call and no one is answering the phone

  7. Greetings, I applied last of last week Tuesday but when I check my application status it says it is not yet captured.. I’m worried.. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  8. Hello,My name is Noluvo . I want to know what is going on with my application, I have applied since last month,but when I try to check my application status it says it is not yet captured.

  9. Hi. I apply last month for Bachelor of Nursing R174. Till now my status is still not captured. I did call to check but the person who answered the phone said they are updating the system. I’m worried. It’s been a month now without knowing what is happening.

  10. Hi, I applied for medicine last month but when I check my status it’s always the same thing; not yet captured and now I am really worried because the bursary that I applied for requires acceptance letter and now because I haven’t gotten any response I am stuck and also the closing date for the bursary is approaching please help a sister here

  11. WSU u really hv a bad service its been weeks now since applying tryinh to check mi application status but i was not successful
    I got through the portal tapped mi id no & de yr i’m planninh 2 attend on but it refuses to succeed & i dont hv a reference no
    So ur service is really poor i’m really disappointed alot

  12. Hi,I applied last year at WSU for electrical engineering on July,then now when I’m trying to check my status it say waiting for nsc results whereas the results are out.

  13. I was doing application on Februay to do Fashion design ….My status does not change its says that well captured….Please help me


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