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How to Pass Matric Examination in South Africa


This article contains an easy guide on how to pass your Matric examination in South Africa.

How to Pass Matric Examination in South Africa

In South Africa, matriculation (or matriculation) is the final year of high school, the qualification received upon graduating from high school, and the minimum university entrance requirements. In general usage, the school-leaving exams, which are government-administered, are known as the “matric exams“; by extension, students in the final year of high school (grade 12) are known as “matriculants.”.

Once the matric year has passed, students are said to have “matriculated.”.

Officially, the qualification obtained at the end of secondary schooling is the National Senior Certificate, and the school-leaving examinations are the “Senior Certificate Examinations.”. The National Senior Certificate can be completed through either the Department of Education or the Independent Examination Board. Students applying to a South African university with foreign school qualifications can obtain a “Matriculation Exemption” to show that they meet the same standards.

South African universities do not set their own entrance examinations, although many use standardised entrance tests of linguistic, numerical, and mathematical ability, called the National Benchmark Tests. National Senior Certificate

The National Senior Certificate, or NSC, is the current matriculation (matric) certificate, with grade 12 as the matriculation grade.


Students study at least seven subjects: two of the eleven official South African languages, one of which must be at the “home language” level, either mathematics or mathematical literacy; life orientation; and three elective subjects. Students have the option of either taking the NSC (National Senior Certificate) or the NCV (National Certificate Vocational).

Subject Requirements

Students study at least 7 subjects: 4 compulsory and 3-4 optional. All subjects are set at one grade only and are no longer set at a higher or standard grade. Not all schools offer the full range of elective subjects listed here. Each school may offer subjects specific to its academic orientation. For example, agriculture schools will offer agriculture-oriented subjects, whereas technical schools will offer practical and mechanical-oriented subjects.

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What are the requirements to pass Matric 2024?

There are a lot of myths floating around the internet regarding the matriculation pass requirements.

Firstly, all matriculation students are required to register to write at least seven subjects, and they may not fail more than one subject. Failing more than one subject means you have failed matriculation. However, to pass, you need:

  • At least 40% for your Home Language
  • Pass two other subjects with 40%
  • Get 30% for three other subjects

Steps on How To Pass Matric Exams

The most stressful time of the year for students is usually exam time. With exams come stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. But there are a few things you could do that could help you come out in flying colours during this stressful time. Some of them are:

1. Outline Your Goals

The biggest mistake you can make is studying without a goal, as it leaves you without a direction. Having goals will encourage you to move forward. They can also help you measure how much you’ve improved and what you need to focus on.

2. Start Preparing As Soon As Possible

Get an early start and work on solving problems. The hardest part is always getting started, but you will soon get hooked on learning. Starting early helps you cover up a lot without having to rush or expose yourself to cramming. Ensure you have covered everything your teachers, tutors and advisors encouraged you to learn.

3. Join a Study Group

While preparing for your Matric exams, it is important to keep company with those who are facing the same struggles as you. By studying together, you can help each other solve problems and get a fresh perspective on how others comprehend different topics.

4. Proper Time Management

Students tend to allocate more time for fun activities or their favourite subjects. As a result, they have less time to catch up on some subjects. Thus, when they sit for their examinations, they tend to fail in some and pass their favourite subjects. If you want to pass in all subjects, the trick is to allocate time for each item adequately. However, if you have difficulties in one subject, you can allocate more time for it and sacrifice some time for the subject you are good at. This is a perfect strategy for passing exams.

5. Create Your Own Mock Exams at Home

There is a saying that practice makes perfect. If you want to ace such examinations, you must put in a lot of effort. To practice, try tutoring new students or taking on active roles during group projects.

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Also, practice for the big day and test your knowledge on the different topics to see what you know. Creating a mock examination at home could help you identify the topics that you may have overlooked. You can easily identify the areas in which you are lagging by practicing with past exam papers. Exam papers from previous years can truly help you with your exam preparation. They could give you an idea of how questions are structured in the exams and can sometimes give you an idea of what will be asked too.

6. Eat a Healthy Meal

Don’t write exams on an empty stomach. You need your brain to function properly when you need it most, so give it the nutrients it deserves. Having a full breakfast could make you feel refreshed and help you focus on the exams.

7. Focus on You

Don’t lose focus on your goals. It’s common for students to link up before the exams and discuss their exam preparation. This conversation can do more harm than good. Students mean well, but no one truly knows which questions will be asked in the examination. Engaging in these discussions will make you doubt yourself and your abilities. So remember to focus on yourself.

8. Have a positive attitude

Positivity can make one change their negative attitudes and develop interests. Therefore, be positive to ensure that, rather than encountering obstacles, you build a passion. Rather than having a negative mindset, possess a positive one.

Things To Avoid

There are a few obstacles you will face when studying for the matrix examination. Avoid these common mistakes, which may set you back a few steps.

1. Do Not Cram

Read to understand the concept, rather than cram to pass the examinations. Cramming is not an effective way of reading because an individual tends to forget what they have crammed after some time. However, when they read to understand the subject in question, they tend to be more ready when the examinations approach.

Cramming will create confusion, and you may even forget the work you already know. Cramming will only cause unwanted stress. To avoid this, start studying early to understand.

2. Distractions

There are lots of factors that cause distractions. Social, television, and other disturbances could prevent you from taking in as much work as you can. Rather, schedule time or reward yourself with leisure activities. To avoid distractions, identify the environment that works best for you and endeavour to study there. You will spend a lot of time studying and doing homework in your matric year. That’s why it is important to do it in an environment that you are comfortable with. A great study environment could be the key to your success. Make sure to study where you’re most comfortable, keep your space neat and organised, and make sure the space is well lit.

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3. Procrastination

The problem of “I will study later” has caused the failure of many students; even the bright ones are not excluded from this. Get to studying as soon as possible and work through your coursework. Putting things off to the last minute can only harm you, leaving you with more things to study within a short period of time.


The Matric Examination is the highest achievement level for any matriculant. However, the majority of the matriculants do not reach this level due to a couple of reasons. It could be due to poor results or a weak selection of subjects.

For a while, students have been struggling with their matriculation examinations. They have been looking for genuine help on how to pass matriculesules and how to pass matriculesules with distinctions. The key to passing such exams is quite easy. It lies solely with the student. All a student has to do is read to understand a concept, rather than cram it. They must also manage their time wisely and be disciplined. Similarly, they also have to set realistic goals that will help them stay focused.

Remember, your main objective should be to focus on your academic goals. No matter what others say and the societal pressures you may face, there is no rush to the finish line. If your results did not meet your expectations, it is solely your cross to bear.

It is not just enough to meet up with the above-mentioned tips; you must also remember that one must complete a total of five compulsory subjects. These mandatory subjects include First Additional Language, Life Orientation, Home Language, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, and either Afrikaans or English as one’s language. In most cases, students tend to pass exceptionally well in two or three subjects and fail terribly in the others. Without passing the others, one cannot get their National Senior Certificate.

You need your brain to function properly. Getting enough sleep before you write your exams is a major way to avoid making examination blunders, which may likely lead to exam failure. Avoid cram sessions altogether. If you have to cram for the exams, it means you’re not ready.

Passing matriculation with maximum distinctions is quite easy if you follow the strategies contained in this article.

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