Home Student & Career Tips Highest Paying Jobs with Maths literacy and Business Studies

Highest Paying Jobs with Maths literacy and Business Studies


This article contains information on the Highest Paying Jobs with Maths literacy and Business Studies.

Maths literacy and business studies are valuable skills in today’s job market. With a strong foundation in these subjects, job seekers can explore a wide range of high-paying careers across various industries. In this article, we will discuss the highest paying jobs with maths literacy [6] and business studies, as well as top jobs requiring maths literacy in different fields such as life science, geography, history, accounting, economics, computer applications technology (CAT), and tourism. Furthermore, we will explore the job market in South Africa and provide guidance on choosing a career path based on your maths literacy skills.

Highest Paying Jobs with Maths literacy and Business Studies
“High-Paying Careers: The Power of Maths Literacy and Business Studies in Various Fields”


Several high-paying jobs require a combination of maths literacy and business studies knowledge. Some of the most lucrative careers in this category include:

  1. Operations Manager: Operations managers oversee the day-to-day activities of a company, ensuring that its processes are efficient and effective (Hayes, Adam) [3]. They require a strong understanding of maths literacy for budgeting, resource allocation, and data analysis. Business studies knowledge helps them make informed decisions about organizational structures and strategies.
  2. Financial Analyst: Financial analysts use their maths literacy skills to analyze financial data, create forecasts, and make investment recommendations. Their expertise in business studies enables them to understand the broader economic context and how it impacts companies and industries.
  3. Supply Chain Manager: A supply chain manager is responsible for managing the flow of goods and services within a company. They need maths literacy skills to optimize inventory levels and transportation costs, while their business studies knowledge helps them understand market trends and develop strategic partnerships.


Maths Literacy and Life Science:

  1. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative: Combining maths literacy and life science knowledge, phar-maceutical sales representatives promote and sell medications to healthcare providers. They use their understanding of medical conditions and treatments to provide accurate information, while their maths literacy skills help them analyze sales data and meet targets.
  2. Clinical Research Coordinator: Clinical research coordinators oversee the administration of clinical trials and ensure that they adhere to strict guidelines and regulations. Their life science knowledge helps them understand the research (Sadler, Philip M., et al) [4], while their maths literacy skills are essential for managing budgets and analyzing data.
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Maths Literacy and Geography
“Combining math and geography for impactful careers: Environmental consultants and urban planners utilize their skills to assess environmental impacts, develop strategies for growth, and conduct cost-benefit analyses.”

Maths Literacy and Geography:

  1. Environmental Consultant: Environmental consultants [1] use their geography knowledge to assess environmental impacts and develop solutions to minimize negative effects. Their maths literacy skills are crucial for conducting cost-benefit analyses and evaluating the feasibility of proposed projects.
  2. Urban Planner: Urban planners develop strategies and policies to guide the growth and development of cities and towns. They use their geography knowledge to understand spatial patterns and their maths literacy skills to analyze data, create models, and assess the economic impact of proposed plans.

Maths Literacy and History:

  1. Museum Curator: Museum curators oversee the acquisition, display, and interpretation of historical artifacts and art pieces. They use their history knowledge to provide context and meaning, while their maths literacy skills help them manage budgets, fundraising efforts, and visitor statistics.
  2. Archival Manager: Archival managers are responsible for preserving and organizing historical documents and records. Their history knowledge helps them understand the significance of the materials, and their maths literacy skills are essential for managing budgets and resources.

Maths Literacy and Accounting:

  1. Budget Analyst: Budget analysts are responsible for analyzing and managing an organization’s financial resources. They use their accounting knowledge to understand financial statements and their maths literacy skills to create forecasts, track expenses, and develop budgets.
  2. Tax Consultant: Tax consultants provide advice and assistance to individuals and businesses on tax-related matters. They use their accounting knowledge to understand tax laws and regulations, and their maths literacy skills to calculate tax liabilities and identify potential deductions and credits.

Maths Literacy and Economics:

  1. Economist: Economists study economic trends, develop forecasts, and provide advice to businesses and governments on economic policies. Their economics knowledge helps them understand complex economic theories, while their maths literacy skills are essential for analyzing data and creating models.
  2. Market Research Analyst: Market research analysts gather and analyze data to help businesses make informed decisions about products, services, and marketing strategies. Their economics knowledge helps them understand market trends and consumer behavior, while their maths literacy skills are crucial for interpreting data and making predictions.
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Maths Literacy and CAT (Computer Applications Technology)
“Unleashing the Power of Math and CAT: Learn about how business analysts and IT project managers utilize their skills to drive success in the business and technology fields.”

Maths Literacy and CAT (Computer Applications Technology):

  1. Business Analyst: Business analysts work with companies to identify areas for improvement, develop strategies, and implement technology solutions. Their CAT knowledge [2] helps them understand various software and tools, while their maths literacy skills enable them to analyze data and measure the effectiveness of proposed solutions.
  2. IT Project Manager: IT project managers oversee the planning, execution, and completion of technology projects. Their CAT knowledge helps them understand the technical aspects of the project, while their maths literacy skills are essential for managing budgets, resources, and timelines.

Maths Literacy and Tourism:

  1. Tourism Manager: Tourism managers are responsible for developing and promoting tourist destinations and attractions. They use their tourism knowledge to create marketing strategies and plan events, while their maths literacy skills help them manage budgets, analyze visitor data, and measure the economic impact of tourism initiatives.
  2. Hotel Revenue Manager: Hotel revenue managers use their maths literacy skills to analyze market trends, customer data, and competitor information to develop pricing strategies and maximize revenue. Their tourism knowledge helps them understand the factors that influence hotel demand and occupancy rates.
Maths Literacy and Tourism
“Careers that combine math and tourism: Tourism managers and hotel revenue managers use their skills to create marketing strategies, manage budgets, and maximize revenue in the travel industry.”


The job market in South Africa offers numerous opportunities for individuals with strong maths literacy skills. Some of the highest paying jobs in South Africa that require maths literacy include:

  1. Actuary: Actuaries use their maths literacy skills to analyze risk and uncertainty in various industries, such as insurance and finance. They develop models to predict future events and help organizations make informed decisions.
  2. Statistician: Statisticians apply their maths literacy skills to collect, analyze, and interpret data in various fields, such as healthcare, government, and education. They use statistical techniques to identify trends, make predictions, and inform decision-making processes.
  3. Chartered Accountant: Chartered accountants provide financial advice, manage budgets, and ensure compliance with financial regulations. Their maths literacy skills are essential for understanding complex financial data and making strategic financial decisions.
Top Highest Paying Jobs with Maths Literacy in South Africa
” Maths Literacy: Explore the Top High-Paying Jobs in South Africa for Actuaries, Statisticians, and Chartered Accountants.”


Many degree programs and careers require a foundation in maths literacy [5], including:

  1. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA): This degree program provides students with a solid understanding of business principles and practices, including accounting, marketing, and management. Graduates can pursue careers in various industries, such as finance, marketing, and human resources.
  2. Bachelor of Commerce (BCom): A BCom degree focuses on various aspects of commerce, such as accounting, economics, and finance. Graduates can pursue careers in fields like banking, financial management, and taxation.
  3. Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Statistics: A BSc in Statistics prepares students for careers in data analysis, research, and statistical modeling. Graduates can work in industries like healthcare, finance, and government.
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  1. Identify your interests: Consider which industries and fields align with your passions and interests. This will help you choose a career path that you find fulfilling and engaging.
  2. Research potential careers: Investigate the job market and identify high-paying jobs that require maths literacy skills. Understand the job responsibilities, requirements, and potential career path associated with each position.
  1. Evaluate your skills and strengths: Assess your current maths literacy skills and determine whether you need additional training or education to qualify for specific careers. Consider other strengths, such as communication or problem-solving abilities, that may complement your maths literacy skills in the workplace.
  2. Seek advice from professionals: Connect with professionals working in your desired field to gain insight into their experiences, challenges, and advice on how to succeed in their industry. Networking can also help you uncover job opportunities and build valuable connections.
  3. Gain practical experience: Participate in internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer opportunities to gain hands-on experience and develop your skills. This practical experience can make you more competitive in the job market and help you determine if a particular career is the right fit for you.


Maths literacy and business studies open doors to a wide range of high-paying jobs across various industries. By exploring careers that require these skills, you can find fulfilling and rewarding opportunities that align with your interests and strengths. Remember to research potential careers, evaluate your skills, seek advice from professionals, and gain practical experience to help you make informed decisions about your career path. Embrace the possibilities that your maths literacy and business studies knowledge offer and pursue the exciting opportunities that await you.


[1] “12 Environmental Consultant Skills: Definition and Examples.” ResumeCat, https://resumecat.com/skills/environmental-consultant. Accessed 12 Apr. 2023.

[2] “Career Information.” Brainwave Careers, https://www.brainwavecareers.co.za/career-information/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2023.

[3] Hayes, Adam. “Operations Management: Understanding and Using It.” Investopedia, 27 May 2010, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/operations-management.asp.

[4] Sadler, Philip M., et al. “Assessing the Life Science Knowledge of Students and Teachers Represented by the K-8 National Science Standards.” CBE Life Sciences Education, vol. 12, no. 3, Autumn 2013, pp. 553–575, doi:10.1187/cbe.12-06-0078.

[5] “What Can I Study with Maths Literacy?” Whatcanistudy.Co.Za, https://whatcanistudy.co.za/what-can-i-study-with-maths-literacy/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2023.

[6] Careersportal.Co.Za, https://www.careersportal.co.za/careers/what-are-the-highest-paying-jobs-with-maths-literacy. Accessed 12 Apr. 2023.

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