This application for the FoodBev SETA Research and Innovation Bursary for the year 2021 is now open for all South African students in South Africa.
The Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev SETA) invites recognised public universities of South Africa to apply for Postgraduate Research and Innovation Bursary Programme for students studying towards their Doctorate (PhD) and Master’s degrees for the 2021 academic year.
The FoodBev SETA has developed the Research Bursary Programme in response to the research and development needs of the food and beverages manufacturing sector. Research and development contribute to the body of knowledge and adds on the sectoral research innovation capacity. In addition, the programme also contributes towards the skills needed (i.e. researchers) to produce research that is relevant and has a positive impact on the sector, whilst at the same time advancing the FoodBev SETA research agenda. Therefore, students with approved research proposals (PhD) and with research topics relevant and responsive to the food and beverages Manufacturing value chain are encouraged to apply for this research grant.
Update: FoodBev SETA Mandatory Grants
The bursary value is set at a sufficiently attractive level to provide an incentive for students to pursue postgraduate studies. The value of the awards will initially be set as follows:
Master’s students are eligible to receive a maximum of R120,000.00 (i.e. for the duration of the study) based on the evaluation outcome of the students’ approved research topics.
PhD students are eligible to receive a maximum of R150,000.00 (i.e. for the duration of the study) based on the evaluation outcome of the students’ approved proposals.
Applicants will not be required to pay any administration fees when applying for a bursary.
FUNDING REQUIREMENTS & OTHER CONDITIONSThe requirements and conditions of this funding are as follows:Master’s Students
PhD Students
The student must complete the application form and forward to their University Bursary Office. The University must be responsible for ensuring that the applications are duly completed, signed, and submitted with all required documents. The learner and supervisor must submit a signed declaration of intent and submit progress reports and results to FoodBev SETA officials. The duly completed application form with all the necessary supporting documents must be submitted to FoodBev SETA by the university.
Compulsory Supporting Documents to be Submitted:
The fully completed application form must be accompanied by the following documents:
- A copy of the student’s certified ID
- Proof of registration for the 2021 academic year
Approved research proposal (including research costs) with confirmation from the recognised tertiary institutions for PhD students, as well as research topic endorsed by the supervisor for Master’s students.
The funding window will open as from the 15th of February 2023 and close on the 28th of February 2021 (i.e. 12h00 mid-night for submission of applications, and 16h00 for assistance by FoodBev SETA Officials).
NB: FoodBev SETA reserves the right to cancel the grant funding as a whole or partially at its discretion. Grant funding will be limited to the availability of funds.
All applications must reach FoodBev SETA on or before the closing date.
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